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Torrey Thursday night dinner


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Has anyone thought or planned for a Thursday night dinner? I have never eaten at Cafe Diablo and would like to try it sometime this trip. Last Fall we were at the Capital Reef so I'd like to try something else. Any thoughts?


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Silver Surfer/AKAButters

Exept for the great company, the Capital Reef is up there with the worst dining experiences I have ever had. Our waitress was crying, I think because her boss was kicking her a$$ because he was short staffed.

Most folks don't show up until Friday, but I'll be glad to join you wherever, 'cept the CR.

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My sentiments exactly!! Thus my suggestion. But I am open also to any new dining experience in Torrey except CR for Thursday night....thoughts any one? Just a comment, I really enjoyed the company in the Fall though because Thursday night dinner is small I actually got to know some people.

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Best restaurants in the area are El Diablo and Hell's Backbone Grill over the Mountain in Boulder. IMHO.


Hi Sharon, I think it is really nice to be walking distance for those who partake of cocktails. A bunch of years ago we tried to have Friday night at Diablo but after waiting over an hour to get our order taken most of us left so I've never eaten there. I'd like to try it and I'm thinking a smaller group might work better!


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You could talk me into the Diablo......


I didn't hang out with y'all last year at the Reef...I've seen some strange things happen there.



The food is great at the Diablo.....but that ain't used to serving 20 people at one time, at one table, so you gotta be patient and not be starvin when ya get there.


We would love to join y'all.


L and L







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I am sure we will have a group there Gregg. If I get back in time from wherever I may be Thursday, I am sure I will be in. And most of the time when we go to Hell's Backbone we take cars and carpool over the top. It is one of my favorite places to eat in the world.



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I am sure we will have a group there Gregg. If I get back in time from wherever I may be Thursday, I am sure I will be in. And most of the time when we go to Hell's Backbone we take cars and carpool over the top. It is one of my favorite places to eat in the world.


I'm good with what ever people want to do. I just want to try the Diablo. I've never even known anyone with a car at Torrey but designated drivers are a very good thing!


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I am sure we will have a group there Gregg. If I get back in time from wherever I may be Thursday, I am sure I will be in. And most of the time when we go to Hell's Backbone we take cars and carpool over the top. It is one of my favorite places to eat in the world.


I'm good with what ever people want to do. I just want to try the Diablo. I've never even known anyone with a car at Torrey but designated drivers are a very good thing!


Yeah there are cars, you just have to go to Killers ;)

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Silver Surfer/AKAButters

Make sure you let me know when Hell'S Backbone is up. Sounds like I missed a good one.

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I'll be there Thursday, so count me in for dinner somewhere!


You bringin your body guard?????


Nope. The MC shop where he was earning his riding money went bust, so he's having to limit his rides somewhat. :( He's saving up for a big ride in September (which obviously won't be the UN, either).

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