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Monitor Pass . . .


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. . . opened this morning so my brother and I decided to take a little spin on the bikes. Still some snow along side the road but none on the road itself. There weren't even any puddles.


There is lots of dirt and debris on the road however. It looks like some of the "tar snakes" are peeling up and laying in the roadway. A couple of weeks of vehicular travel on the road should clean it up.


Now if Tioga and Sonora Passes would open . . .

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Glad to hear it's open. And next we need to get Highway 4 open, but that may be another couple of weeks.

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Very early opening for the pass. The melt is coming quick this year. The forecast is for 101 in Bakersfield this Tuesday. A few days of weather like that will get those passes open real quick. And as Whip said, "Pictures, where's your pictures?"

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