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Vehicle Death Statistics Not Involving Crashes


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Be careful in the garage. RIP, Mark Fidrych


Table 2: Annual Average Noncrash Fatalities by Incident Type

Struck by Falling Vehicle 168

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning From Vehicle Exhaust 147

Fall From Vehicle 88

Vehicle Fire 57

Struck by Object 44

Hyperthermia (excessive heat) 37

Hypothermia (excessive cold) 14

Poisoning in Vehicle From Other Source 9

Exploding Tire 7

Vehicle Window Asphyxia (lack of oxygen due to mechanical strangulation) 5

Electrocution 4

Drowning 3

Closed in Trunk 3

Radiator Fluid Burns2

Source: National Vital Statistics System special mortality file, 2003-2004

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yeah, he was working on a garbage truck or something? not sure what happened but one of those bizarre events that you never could think something would go wrong.

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yeah, he was working on a garbage truck or something? not sure what happened but one of those bizarre events that you never could think something would go wrong.
He died of strangulation when his clothes became entangled in the power take-off on the dump truck he was working on. Link

Yes, very bizarre. But very avoidable. :P

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Joe Frickin' Friday

My dad knew a guy years ago who was working underneath his car. Car up on jackstands, running, with driveline in motion. His long hair became tangled on the driveshaft, which wound it up quickly, thumped him into unconsciousness, then ripped off most of his scalp. Neighbor found him and summoned help; doctors were able to reattach his scalp.


He wore his hair short after that.

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My wood shop teacher in school got his tie caught in the table saw and nearly decapitated/strangled himself.


No ties in wood shop after that...

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What I want to know is how does someone drown in a car when there is no crash involved??


Perhaps running off the road into an irrigation canal is not considered a crash (hitting another solid object).

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