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I can understand how this family feels and why they did what they did.


If I can find a similar way off the tread mill, I may do the same.


The rest of the article is interesting, but I don't know how accurate it will turn out to be.






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I noticed there were no comments from their 15-year old daughter. I wonder what she thinks about the new lifestyle... 'cuz, you know, 15-year old girls are so adaptable when it comes to giving up cellphones, electronics, cable TV, dining out, etc., then learning how to raise pigs and chickens. Yikes. Care to guess what she'd text to her friends (um, if she could figure out how to text with a pitchfork and a shovel)?

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my oldest brother and his wife just bought a place in SW MO and are doing much the same thing. They're only starting at this year, but it's an interesting idea.

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Nice n Easy Rider

I think many people/families are beginning to do this to some extent or another. For some it may be simply dining out less often or discontinuing cable tv. Others may be moving to smaller homes or getting rid of one of the cars and using public transportation.


I think that over the next few years we are going to see more and more people making do with less. For some, it will not be their choice. But for many I think the idea of saving, not spending, is going to be more and more attractive.


What this will do to the economic recovery is anyone's guess. :S

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Dunno about economic survivalism, but I agree that the trappings of affluence are frequently more aggravating than satisfying. I've been trying to simplify my life, but that is easier said than done.

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I've got a ranch to go to should the whole affluence thing fall out. But having grown up on a ranch, I gotta say, it ain't all that.... There are a lot of Californians in places like Montana right now with second guesses, wishing they hadn't sold that CA home...

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You mean... it's possible to live without Blu-ray..?


Without Mr Google(just now) I would have no idea what Blu-ray is.....






...maybe I'm on my way after all.


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I think a better way to look at it in my case would be to say, I want to live somewhere away from shoplifters, pan handlers and gang-bangers.....and I'm willing to be a whole lot less affluent to do this.


Mrs Whip wants a bufflao farm in Wyoming.


I wanna a small wholesale bidness in Torrey.


....how bout a bar in Ouray???????






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You mean... it's possible to live without Blu-ray..?


Without Mr Google(just now) I would have no idea what Blu-ray is.....




...maybe I'm on my way after all.

Yes, that definitely is a point in your favor as it means that you haven't seen the inside of a Best Buy for the last two years. :grin:

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I think a better way to look at it in my case would be to say, I want to live somewhere away from shoplifters, pan handlers and gang-bangers.....and I'm willing to be a whole lot less affluent to do this.


Mrs Whip wants a bufflao farm in Wyoming.


I wanna a small wholesale bidness in Torrey.


....how bout a bar in Ouray???????



Maybe I should start recruiting for my cult again. ;) We could probably graze a few bison, and I need someone to help cut up some deadfalls, clear some brush, mend the fencing, clean and paint the shed, run new wiring in the barn, shoot varmints, put new tires on the tractor, hookup a backup power generator .... Sean's right, it ain't necessarily all that. I do prefer it to suburbia.

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Its great for some and it doesn't have to mean you give up all technology. But for me, age and health may limit the choices of getting away from it all and going with a simpler and potentially more physically demanding lifestyle.


We've looked at areas outside the city, but Cindy has already said she woudn't take too kindly to me having a heart attack and dying 'cause medical facilites were too far away ;):grin:


Fortunately for us, where we live, work and generally hang out isn't filled with shoplifters, pan handlers and gang bangers .... yet.

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I think a better way to look at it in my case would be to say, I want to live somewhere away from shoplifters, pan handlers and gang-bangers.....and I'm willing to be a whole lot less affluent to do this.


Mrs Whip wants a bufflao farm in Wyoming.


I wanna a small wholesale bidness in Torrey.


....how bout a bar in Ouray???????



Maybe I should start recruiting for my cult again. ;) We could probably graze a few bison, and I need someone to help cut up some deadfalls, clear some brush, mend the fencing, clean and paint the shed, run new wiring in the barn, shoot varmints, put new tires on the tractor, hookup a backup power generator .... Sean's right, it ain't necessarily all that. I do prefer it to suburbia.



I can handle all that.....will ya feed me and keep gas in my Katoom???????

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Its great for some and it doesn't have to mean you give up all technology. But for me, age and health may limit the choices of getting away from it all and going with a simpler and potentially more physically demanding lifestyle.


We've looked at areas outside the city, but Cindy has already said she woudn't take too kindly to me having a heart attack and dying 'cause medical facilites were too far away ;):grin:


Fortunately for us, where we live, work and generally hang out isn't filled with shoplifters, pan handlers and gang bangers .... yet.



How do ya feel about tending bar in Ouray??????

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Its great for some and it doesn't have to mean you give up all technology. But for me, age and health may limit the choices of getting away from it all and going with a simpler and potentially more physically demanding lifestyle.


We've looked at areas outside the city, but Cindy has already said she woudn't take too kindly to me having a heart attack and dying 'cause medical facilites were too far away ;):grin:


Fortunately for us, where we live, work and generally hang out isn't filled with shoplifters, pan handlers and gang bangers .... yet.



How do ya feel about tending bar in Ouray??????


Jamie's a professionally trained bar tender!!! Check.


Me, well, hell, I'll fall down for ya. That would make me the comedy act. IN!

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Its great for some and it doesn't have to mean you give up all technology. But for me, age and health may limit the choices of getting away from it all and going with a simpler and potentially more physically demanding lifestyle.


We've looked at areas outside the city, but Cindy has already said she woudn't take too kindly to me having a heart attack and dying 'cause medical facilites were too far away ;):grin:


Fortunately for us, where we live, work and generally hang out isn't filled with shoplifters, pan handlers and gang bangers .... yet.



How do ya feel about tending bar in Ouray??????


Jamie's a professionally trained bar tender!!! Check.


Me, well, hell, I'll fall down for ya. That would make me the comedy act. IN!


Job interviews are June 19-21 in Ouray......no excuse will be accepted.

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You got any job openings for some one to fix the boiler and clean the laundry? Business in FL sucks. :cry:


Florida ain't on the list.......sorry.

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Mrs Whip wants a buffalo farm in Wyoming.


You need major chapstick for Wyoming and their winds but why buffalo, you have an endless supply of antelope.

Here in Western North Carolina I'd like to sell singlewides.

Their license plates say, "first in flight", but I think they should say, "first in singlewides".

But seriously, have you seen those tiny houses being built? 300, 500, maybe 800 sq ft. homes. Just buy some land and plop these tiny homes down. $37,000 will get you a 65 sq ft. manor.


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Mrs Whip wants a buffalo farm in Wyoming.


You need major chapstick for Wyoming and their winds but why buffalo, you have an endless supply of antelope.

Here in Western North Carolina I'd like to sell singlewides.

Their license plates say, "first in flight", but I think they should say, "first in singlewides".

But seriously, have you seen those tiny houses being built? 300, 500, maybe 800 sq ft. homes. Just buy some land and plop these tiny homes down. $37,000 will get you a 65 sq ft. manor.



The 2000 sq ft one I got now is really way to big. I like that idea.


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Larry, my dad used to own this place when I was a kid:




I remember sweeping floors on the weekends and telling customers where the good fishing spots were.


Since then I've learned to make a number of fine drinks:

  • glass of either whisky or whiskey
  • shot of tequilla
  • glass, mug, can or bottle of beer

And of course I can prepare all of the above without referring to a bartender's guide.

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I'm halfway there, having said goodbye to a full-time job at the end of 2008. We have a 1200 square foot house (with a garage) outside Dahlonega, although we still live primarily in Atlanta. To me, 1200 feet seems like more than enough living space for two people. It's remote enough to hear roosters crow and watch deer walk through the woods, but less than 10 miles to the nearest hospital. A couple of years ago, I forgot to close the garage door; came back a week later, and a motorcycle and everything else in the garage, including some power tools, was intact.


One weekend I was doing some maintenance on the property, and had taken an upstairs screen door off its hinges for painting. Then I went out with a weed whacker while the paint was drying. Apparently a neighbor saw the door off its hinges, and called the cops. I was merrily whacking weeds, wearing a Husqvarna woodsman's helmet with a faceshield and hearing protectors, when I looked up, and saw a sheriff whistling and trying to get my attention.


Since "retiring" four months ago, almost every physical measure of my health has improved, mostly through less sitting in front of a computer monitor, and more physical activity. The real test is going to come when/if we move there full time and find out if we can be happy in the woods outside a community of ~5000 people (but with an NPR station), or if we will be bored out of our skulls. I'm betting on the former.


My mother, on the other hand, seems to me to be a compulsive collector of possessions. She strikes me as one of the unhappier people I know, a prisoner of her possessions, who can never go anywhere. It's an inheritance I'm not looking forward to.


I have had an ambiguous relationship with possessions all my life; despite my desire to have as few as possible, "things" keep accumulating. I think we could cut our living expenses in half without any compromise in quality of life -- possibly even improving it (not sure my wife would agree).

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Its great for some and it doesn't have to mean you give up all technology. But for me, age and health may limit the choices of getting away from it all and going with a simpler and potentially more physically demanding lifestyle.


We've looked at areas outside the city, but Cindy has already said she woudn't take too kindly to me having a heart attack and dying 'cause medical facilites were too far away ;):grin:


Fortunately for us, where we live, work and generally hang out isn't filled with shoplifters, pan handlers and gang bangers .... yet.



How do ya feel about tending bar in Ouray??????


I'm in for Bartending too. Hell, I've even owned a bar of my own so I can tell when the help is stealing from you!

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skinny_tom (aka boney)
You mean... it's possible to live without Blu-ray..?


Without what?


Yes, that definitely is a point in your favor as it means that you haven't seen the inside of a Best Buy for the last two years.]



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I think they'll do fine as long as the Polit Bureau doesn't find out.


As for Ouray, I'm in for starting an Adv-D/S riding company. Any investors? :Cool:

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Ok, one step further and along the lines of a business Whip was talking about. How about a wholesale "tiny house" business in Torrey? In fact, prospective home buyers can purchase these tiny homes at wholesale prices at the Torrey location and there would be an assembly plant or building station where the buyer can be a part of the building process if he's got the free time (cutting down the labor cost here). Once finished, you can load the house on a flatbed truck or in multiple sections and deliver it for the buyer to whatever location he wants.

I'm thinking homes, where the buffalo roam.

P.S. Maybe the 3rd glass of wine tonight jettisoned my reserve.


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Nice n Easy Rider
To me, 1200 feet seems like more than enough living space for two people. It's remote enough to hear roosters crow and watch deer walk through the woods, but less than 10 miles to the nearest hospital.



I grew up living in a 900-1000 SF house with my parents, two siblings and grandfather and it seemed just fine at the time. My wife's and my first house was about 900-1000 SF and it seemed quite spacious (nice open space plan) at the time. So I guess we can get used to a lot less space that we've been using of late and from my experience we can all do quite well. As long as you have the necessary services outside the home (healthcare, groceries, etc) I suspect you'll find it to be more than adequate. Good luck on the new living quarters. At least there will be that much less to maintain. :grin:

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I think a better way to look at it in my case would be to say, I want to live somewhere away from shoplifters, pan handlers and gang-bangers.....and I'm willing to be a whole lot less affluent to do this.


Mrs Whip wants a bufflao farm in Wyoming.


I wanna a small wholesale bidness in Torrey.


....how bout a bar in Ouray???????






If you can handle the weather. I for one would be somewhat reluctant to do the bar in Ouray because I can remember (1984-87) when nothing was open in Ouray when you drove through in winter.


Jan used to want to start a brew pub. I poo-poohed the idea because 1) we didn't have the money and 2) who would pay to drink home brew anyway, its a niche market.


Well, crap. Now I wish we had figured out a way to do it. We could still live in Durango (although I'm not so sure I would like living there anymore).


As a . . . um . . . environmentalist, I've felt like our economy and standard of living is out of control and unsustainable for years. It's good to see the scaling back of consumption, even if it is the result of necessity. (Yes, I realize I have too many motorcycles and too many cars, and probably a bigger house than I actually need, but I try, that should count for something :dopeslap:)


I was wondering about the teenager, too. I mean, the marketers market to kids. It is my understanding that they have the largest disposable income of any demographic. . . hey kids, want to sue your teacher? call . . .


Sorry, I digress. The issues I see are that Torrey won't stay "Torrey" forever. You and I probably can't begin to imagine how it can grow. I only know that when Jan and I hiked and biked there in the early 1980's, the only thing there was Austin's General Store and the motel with the restaurant that sells souvenirs and espresso (the name escapes me for a moment). Now there is at least one "expensive" resort, a fancy restaurant (El diablo), a darn good book shop, a couple of convenience stores . . .


The end was already in sight for Moab when they got the golden arches. We take places we love and ruin them by moving there. OMG! I'm ranting. I'll stop now.

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Its great for some and it doesn't have to mean you give up all technology. But for me, age and health may limit the choices of getting away from it all and going with a simpler and potentially more physically demanding lifestyle.


We've looked at areas outside the city, but Cindy has already said she woudn't take too kindly to me having a heart attack and dying 'cause medical facilites were too far away ;):grin:


Fortunately for us, where we live, work and generally hang out isn't filled with shoplifters, pan handlers and gang bangers .... yet.


Chris, you could get an AED.

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We take places we love and ruin them by moving there.


This is a most bizarre aspect of our behavior. People move to the boonies to get away from it all, and then they start asking for Starbucks and McDonalds. Huh??? Didn't you leave civilization to get away from Starbucks and McDonalds??



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Not so special really. The large majority of the world's population is still trying to GET all those 'perks' that only a minority finds 'normal'..... let alone give them up :dopeslap:

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We take places we love and ruin them by moving there.


This is a most bizarre aspect of our behavior. People move to the boonies to get away from it all, and then they start asking for Starbucks and McDonalds. Huh??? Didn't you leave civilization to get away from Starbucks and McDonalds??



Reminds me the old Eagles song "The Last Resort...

read it

watch it

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Living off the grid is sounding more appealing all of the time, cutting loose the wants and sticking to the needs of life, doing with less has the Cinderella feeling that has made many people pack there bags and leave the city or the restricted lifestyle of places like Kalifornia. Having grown up in rural Michigan and having to feed cows and chickens and rabbits, I don't know if I'd want to have to get up early and milk the cows or haul water to them in the dead of winter. Another thing to think about is that when Torrey or Ouray calls...you might have to get a "cow babysitter" or take a message...cuz there's chore ta be dun. BTDT. There is also the thing about dealing with cattle rustlers, mountain lions, bear and other pests that only look out for their own interests.

The up side is hunting and fishing and providing for your own needs rather than depending on others for your sustenance, that pioneer spirit that lies in many of us is dormant and only needs a a swift kick in the butt and we are off on what truly is a great adventure.

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Its great for some and it doesn't have to mean you give up all technology. But for me, age and health may limit the choices of getting away from it all and going with a simpler and potentially more physically demanding lifestyle.


We've looked at areas outside the city, but Cindy has already said she woudn't take too kindly to me having a heart attack and dying 'cause medical facilites were too far away ;):grin:


Fortunately for us, where we live, work and generally hang out isn't filled with shoplifters, pan handlers and gang bangers .... yet.



How do ya feel about tending bar in Ouray??????


i'M iN...

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Its great for some and it doesn't have to mean you give up all technology. But for me, age and health may limit the choices of getting away from it all and going with a simpler and potentially more physically demanding lifestyle.


We've looked at areas outside the city, but Cindy has already said she woudn't take too kindly to me having a heart attack and dying 'cause medical facilites were too far away ;):grin:


Fortunately for us, where we live, work and generally hang out isn't filled with shoplifters, pan handlers and gang bangers .... yet.



How do ya feel about tending bar in Ouray??????


i'M iN...



Your hired.....


Could you imagine the fun we would have??????


Hot Jamie, Tom, You and me behind the bar serving drinks and entertainin the patrons.......


Every night would be a party.



What would the Moose say?????









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We take places we love and ruin them by moving there.

This is a most bizarre aspect of our behavior. People move to the boonies to get away from it all, and then they start asking for Starbucks and McDonalds. Huh??? Didn't you leave civilization to get away from Starbucks and McDonalds??

Not to mention... who would service your K1300GT?

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