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Need a NavIII GPS Guru


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Well, after spending $200 so I can finally hear my NavIII GPS in my helmet, the darling lady in the GPS now won't talk to me very well.


Four days ago I installed a J&M headset in my helmet. Connected it to the bike and took a route I'd created earlier. Worked wonderfully well, including Gretchen's lovely voice providing me with helpful directions. For example, she'd say "In 2.8 miles turn right on Winchester Road". I took the same route a day or two later and she continued to perform well.


This afternoon I took another ride on the same route, with the same helmet. Now Gretchen is not as talkative as the previous rides. Now instead of the example above she says "In 2.8 miles" and leaves off the rest. Almost seems like she has only 1.0 second to speak. So, I pulled over, turned her off then back on, checked the connections in the headset, and started her up again. Same thing. I continued to ride for another 45 minutes with her directions continuing "short" as above, but then they started to be perfect for another hour. Ah, I figured all was well. But I was wrong, after another hour or so she again started shorting her directions to me.


Any ideas? I am TOTALLY confused on this. I've used speaking GPSs for about 5 yrs and have never had this happen, although this is my first text-to-speech GPS. With my previous non-text-to-speech I didn't use a headset but used the OEM power cord/speaker; never had a problem like this.


Also, any idea what GPS units are compatible with the NavIII cradle. I never use those four buttons on the cradle, so if that's not compatible I could care less. I also don't use BoothTooth nor do I need XM or weather or traffic in the GPS - but I like the other features of the NavIII - text-to-speech and 3D presentation. I ask because if this thing is busted and off warranty, which I suspect, I'll just replace it with something else at about quarter the price BMW charges. :/



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I guess I can now consider myself a guru.........


I can't believe it but after 10 minutes of fiddling around with the unit on battery (motor not running) I solved the mystery.


The first two trips I had the volume set at 50%. Speech perfect.

The trip today the volume was set at 30%. Speech not perfect.


I played around with the volume settings, going between 30, 40 and 50% quickly and pressing the Speak button enough to verify the VOLUME setting is what is affecting what she will say. Weird.


This makes absolutely no sense at all, but I'm posting it here in case someone else has a similar problem.

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I played around with the volume settings, going between 30, 40 and 50% quickly and pressing the Speak button enough to verify the VOLUME setting is what is affecting what she will say. Weird.


This makes absolutely no sense at all, but I'm posting it here in case someone else has a similar problem.


Maybe... it's not that she stops talking, but she's still talking but it doesn't come thru the comm? It might be like a vox circuit, and it doesn't keep enough volume it cuts out.


Kinda like when my daughter is pillon and starts talking on our Autocom... she starts strong, then tapers off and I miss the last half of her sentence.

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Hey... it sounds like Gretchen has been hanging with my missus... she's always giving directions and telling me I'm not listening.


Heh, yep I know what you mean!

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Maybe... it's not that she stops talking, but she's still talking but it doesn't come thru the comm? It might be like a vox circuit, and it doesn't keep enough volume it cuts out.



That's a possibility. It sure doesn't make any sense to me. I THINK it was still set at 30% when it SOMETIMES would speak the entire message, but I cannot be sure. I just know it worked 100% if the volume were at 50%. Luckily 50% is not too loud, but it's close, which is why I was fiddling around with the 30 and 40% settings. She speaks only in my right ear, where I am a little deaf anyway and don't wear an ear plug. I do wear an ear plug in my left ear. At least that's the routine for warm riding with an open face helmet. This winter I will probably add a right ear plug as the full face helmet is a bit noisier, and the 50% volume is just another reason.

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..She speaks only in my right ear...


Yeah... that's right. It's to simulate her being a passenger telling you where to go if you were in a cage.











(Sorry ladies...just kidding!)

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