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Living in Utah can be very entertaining...


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Sometimes you have to pinch yourself to make sure you aren't dreaming though. Personally, I have no problem with polygamy, or any other arrangement consenting adults choose, in principle. But stories like these just seem to follow polygamy a little too often. I'm astounded that nowhere in the story do they discuss the problems associated with inbreeding/incest? I thought they were considered "real" still. Did I miss something? Seems to me the children are the victims here and they are not even mentioned.


Incest, Polygamy, and the Great State of Utah

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Well now, there's a bunch of Marker's Mark, projected nasally onto my screen, but it was worth it :/


(Note to self: Wurty added to list of riders I must buy a beer if I'm lucky enough to finally meet them on the road, or at a rally :thumbsup:)

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If a man divorces his wife in Utah, is she still his sister?


I'm pretty sure the answer to that involves sheep somehow, I'm just not sure the exact relationship.

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If a man divorces his wife in Utah, is she still his sister?


If a man cheats on his sister in Alabama, is he guilty of adultery?



(Had to beat Matt to it. :/ )

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Never a dull moment in Utah when the legislature is in session. Can't wait to see which one of my rights will be attacked this year. I miss my wine coolers.....

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Sometimes you have to pinch yourself to make sure you aren't dreaming though. Personally, I have no problem with polygamy, or any other arrangement consenting adults choose, in principle. But stories like these just seem to follow polygamy a little too often. I'm astounded that nowhere in the story do they discuss the problems associated with inbreeding/incest? I thought they were considered "real" still. Did I miss something? Seems to me the children are the victims here and they are not even mentioned.


Incest, Polygamy, and the Great State of Utah


Well it looks like the article got a major revision and update this evening. It now includes medical information on the effects for the kids, adds more detail on the situation that caused the ruckus, and also now indicates that the issue is political... being debated in Utah legislature. That was not in the article when I posted it. Didn't mean to bring up politics here. I would ask any future response just make sure the discussion doesn't drift in the direction of politics here.

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Never a dull moment in Utah when the legislature is in session. Can't wait to see which one of my rights will be attacked this year. I miss my wine coolers.....


What, no wine coolers in Utah? It reminds me of being stranded in Salt Lake City with my wife in the summer of 2007 (while my RT's final drive was being replaced under warranty). One night we went to a fairly fancy looking steakhouse downtown, near the plaza where the Olympic medals were presented. We weren't quite sure how hungry we were, so we sat at a table in the bar area, which was open to the restaurant seating. We each ordered a glass of wine. The bartender then asked if we'd be eating, to which we replied, "not sure yet". Before the wine arrived, someone plunks down a platter of "snacks". They were quite good, and I don't mean Ritz crackers and Cheez Whiz. We enjoyed our wine and devoured the snacks. Then it was on to round two. We ordered two more glasses of wine, and without asking us a second time whether we'd be eating, along came a fellow with another generous platter of goodies and set them down in front of us. When the bartender came over with the wine, I asked him what was up with the "free" snacks. That's when we found out that we couldn't drink, unless we also had food, which they were quite prepared to give us. We had a good chuckle over that one. Hey, we liked it so much that we went back the next night and did the same thing, only this time we actually ordered a meal (after one round of complimentary snacks). Best part was we were fully reimbursed for our expenses while we waited for the bike to be repaired. We also enjoyed the few days we spent in Salt Lake, quirky liquor laws and all.

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