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So I have a Verizon broadband card in my laptop. Is there a way to connect it to a wireless router so I could use it with more than one PC.


Please, keep it simple (I am :grin:)

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I have not done it in awhile, but I believe you just share the laptops lan connection. I used to use my laptop in hotels to get my xbox online. Basicaly, your laptop acts as your internet connection, and then you plug your router into the computers ethernet port. I can't remember if you shared the lan, or the wireless connection though. Been awhile since I've had to do it. But it can be done, and easily at that.

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I have a client who uses a Verizon PCMCIA card in her laptop, and it only connects to the Verizon satellite. It can't connect to a home router.

A wireless USB adapter is probably what you want. With a USB adapter you can switch from lap top to desktop pc. Most PC desktops don't have PCMCIA slots. (Which is what I assume you mean when you say "card")


Good luck,


Andy Norris

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Andy, I believe Bud wants to take the pcmia or usb Verizon or Sprint card out of the laptop and put it into another piece of hardware that is also a wireless router.


A couple of the devices in the link that squints posted do exactly that.


The card plugs into one of those instead of the laptop and the device now acts as a wireless hub (just like a cable modem and wireless router) to which any laptop or desktop can connect.





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So I have a Verizon broadband card in my laptop. Is there a way to connect it to a wireless router so I could use it with more than one PC.


Please, keep it simple (I am :grin:)

Yes. Basically, your laptop with Verizon broadband will be providing the internet connectivity for everything else.


- On the Verizon broadband laptop, connect the network port to your Wireless Router's WAN port.

- Turn off your firewall during this setup.

- Click on "Set up a home or small office network" in the Settings->Network Connections page.

- Select "This computer connects directly to the Internet..."

- Select "Verizon Broadband Adaptor..." as the connection.

- Select a computer name. Leave it as it as if you want.

- Select a network name. This name will have to be the same on all computers on this network.

- Turn on "File and Printer Sharing" if desired.

- Apply these settings and reboot your computer.

- Verify that it's network connectivity works.


On the other PCs, connect them as you would normally to your Wireless Router. That's all.


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Good solution if you don't mind your laptop essentially becomming a desktop ... can't take it out to the back porch or maybe the garage without disconnecting from the router and turning off internet access for any other computers.

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I have a client who uses a Verizon PCMCIA card in her laptop, and it only connects to the Verizon satellite. It can't connect to a home router.

A wireless USB adapter is probably what you want. With a USB adapter you can switch from lap top to desktop pc. Most PC desktops don't have PCMCIA slots. (Which is what I assume you mean when you say "card")


Good luck,


Andy Norris



The Verizo card is most likely a KPC680 and you can insert in a Kyocera KR1 router just like the one pictured. When you don't have any wired broadband option you get creative.


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This is great! I thought I was helping a brother out, and in return, I'm getting educated in the process!

Thanks Squints, and Bud please let us know what you come up with.


Andy Norris

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