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Radio cut out?


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This may be an old topic. My radio power cuts off when riding until the next ignition cycle. I know it's the power because the light common to the radio button that is usually illuminated on the left side panel goes dark (off) and will not light up until the next bike start up. Anyone else have this? It's all factory OEM with no mods anywhere to the electrical. Thanks for info in advance............

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It's "blowing the fuse" so to speak. If I'm listening to something that has a lot of bass, too loud, it will shut itself down. I only allowed this to happen twice, now i just don't turn up the volume as loud.

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It's "blowing the fuse" so to speak. If I'm listening to something that has a lot of bass, too loud, it will shut itself down. I only allowed this to happen twice, now i just don't turn up the volume as loud.


It happens at all volumes. I tried that with no success. I guess it's off to the dealer for this one.

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