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Public Service Announcement RE: R12RT cornering


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WARNING: Empirical testing performed on November 7th, 2008 has shown that while appexing tight corners on an R1200RT while using throttle positions past 50% in first gear can cause unexpected unloading of the front suspension therefore having a secondary effect of causing excess airflow under the front wheel of the motorcycle. Said air flow can possibly add to the bike lurching suddenly to the outside of the travel of the bike. This lurching motion has been known to heighten the level of adrenaline level of the rider piloting the motorcycle and cause EXCESSIVE muscle reflexes in the facial region often known as smiling.


Other after effects of this occurrence can be repeating overuse of the throttle causing a more spirited pace that can result in various events of the condition stated above. Be very aware that repeated occurances can lead to what other refer to as......




Welcome to the weekend people... have fun and be safe out there. :thumbsup::grin::clap:

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Was worried for a second there. I am jealous... my RT is swaddled up for the winter since it snowed earlier this week. Was nice today though - oh well, time to go skiing to get some of that adrenilin goin.

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