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maintenance costs


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i bought my first bike an r1150rt.2004. my 6000 mile service cost me $400 and my 12000 mile service cost me $600. i figure if i ride 36000 miles a year, not hard to do in nevada, service and tires etc. is going to cost me $6000 a year. kinda expensive. do the japanese bikes cost as much to maintain? thanks

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Stan Walker

It's time to buy a wrench or two......


Most of that cost is for labor doing things that anyone can do. Even you and I.


This group often has tech days at some ones house where we share info about how to maintain your bike. You should attend one. I do believe that I've seen hints that one is coming up in San Diego. Just a short hop from Nevada for a BMW rider.



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I'll second Stan's comment - you can save a fair amount by doing some of the easier stuff yourself.


Also...as far as tire costs go, that should be pretty much a wash. Tires cost pretty much the same and they don't care of they go on German or Japanese bikes. Or am I missing something here?


So if you deduct the tires, the RT (using your numbers) is costing you about $3,000 for all the 36,000 mile services. No?

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