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A word about Drug Use


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So I had some pretty serious oral surgery today (as opposed to the comical kind). My Dentist, who is in his mid 50's, claims that this normally takes 4 visits but since my schedule is so whacked, we did it in one 5 hour marathon. Thank goodness he gave me some pain pills because the Advil isn't cutting it. I took one and have been watching the 2nd season of Eureka from the Sci Fi Channel. For those not familiar with the show, think of it as Northern Exposure meets the Xfiles. Worthy and even more Trippy on Codeine. Maybe I should have watched Sports Center instead but in for a penny in for...I forget.. I think I talked to Whip somewhere around Episode 3 but it may have been a cross dimensional being from Centron XII.


Back to the couch.....which appears to be floating.....


A happy Kaisr

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I spent almost three hours in my dentist's chair today too..The only thing she gave me for pain when I left was the bill..I'm still numb... :grin:

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If you see funny things seek help!





Get well soon!


That should be someones avatar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Very worthy!!!!!!!!!!!





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At least it sounds like the pain meds are working. I had my wisdom teeth out about three years ago and found that I have a pretty adverse reaction to hydracodone. The Doc told me how much to take and how often, and that they should pretty much knock me out from the time I got home till the next morning. Well.......I got home from the surgery about 10:30am and finally fell asleep about noon THE NEXT DAY. It completely wired me up and turned my into some kind of a raging lunatic. In that time, I think I made Danielle cry about 1/2 a dozen times. I only remember small bits and peices of it. My Mom called to check in on me and Danielle told her what was going on. My Mom instantly said to Danielle that it was a side effect of the hydracodone......apparently my Dad has the exact same reaction to it. Thanks Dad :dopeslap:.......that would have been nice to know before I went in for surgery. At that point we called the Dr. and he said "Eh, its been 48 hours. The worst should be behind him now. Stop taking the pain meds and tough it out with Advil". During my follow up visit, I just about put his head through a wall for not prescribing something else after the reaction. It was not a pleasent experience at all.




Get well soon Tom



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Ouch, I can relate to that... get well soon !! Better still, get rid of those damn teeth !!! :dopeslap:

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Codeine gives me nightmares...literally. Now, Verset, on the other hand....ahhhhhhh.....


Steve in So Cal

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You'll know it's time to cut back on the meds if Killer calls and tells you how much he enjoys working!


Hope you're back to normal soon.

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I think you meant versed, generic name is midazolam. An anxiolytic/amnestic benzodiazepene drug used in many anesthetics and sedations and the reason why nearly 100% of the time, you cannot remember the procedure after you get the drug, properly dosed...



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you cannot remember the procedure after you get the drug, properly dosed...
I can't tell you how many times we had to tell Amy how much the twins weighed after her c-section.


"How much did they weigh?

"I think I only saw one of them. When do I get to see the other one?

"How much did they weigh?

"I'm thirsty.

"I think I only saw one of them. When do I get to see the other one?

"How much did they weigh?"


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the reason why nearly 100% of the time, you cannot remember the procedure after you get the drug, properly dosed...
I don't care how much I forget, it's how much I experience that matters!


And you're off my list of preferred anesthesiologists :dopeslap: (thank goodness for spell checkers!)


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you cannot remember the procedure after you get the drug, properly dosed...
I can't tell you how many times we had to tell Amy how much the twins weighed after her c-section.


"How much did they weigh?

"I think I only saw one of them. When do I get to see the other one?

"How much did they weigh?

"I'm thirsty.

"I think I only saw one of them. When do I get to see the other one?

"How much did they weigh?"



I've seen that movie too, although it was after a diagnostic test, about which there was some fear of a bad result. We call it the "mind eraser."


"Have you seen the doctor yet?"


"Yes, she said there are no problems, you're fine."




Wait < 1 minute, repeat at least 3x

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Les is more

You do know that hitting her over the head was not the best choice of anesthesia, don't you?


Seriously, as much as I hate drugs, I did have a brief love affair with Versed when they used it for my cardioversion for the A-fib.


(In my best Sergeant Schultz) I remember NOTHING!


Jamie even asked me a test question as they were giving me the stuff so he could check to see what I remembered when they were finished. Nope, not a thing!


Being married to a Paramedic, I knew the procedure was going to be, shall we say, unpleasant. I had also helped him study for his exams and knew what Versed was for. I was pretty happy to hear it come into the conversation about that procedure.


Heal up fast Tommy!!! And as Fireman Jake would say, "Don't do drugs." :)

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to continue the hijack on "drug use"...




For the record, I am a CRNA, a nurse anesthetist.


oh, and killer, I'd be the best bartender you have ever had buddy.



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Jamie even asked me a test question as they were giving me the stuff so he could check to see what I remembered when they were finished. Nope, not a thing!


I was given sodium pentathol (sp) once by a dentist. He asked me to count backwards from 100 and I couldn't remember 97. :grin:

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I was given sodium pentathol (sp) once by a dentist. He asked me to count backwards from 100 and I couldn't remember 97. :grin:


I go a little nuts on morphine. I was on morphine, and they gave me a bigger dose after some surgery. I told my mother all about he long conversation I had with my (deceased, and sorely missed) grandmother. I don't even remember what Grandma and I talked about! In fact, I lost about two days to that stuff.


It probably would have upset her more if she hadn't seen my dad on morphine-he slugged the nurse who was trying to restrain him. He also spent about two weeks thinking he was living in his car and everyone was trying to steal it from him. He tried for at least one other nurse during that time. Now they know to restrain him BEFORE they give him any of the poppy-juice.


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