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Reflectix insulation


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I am in the process of making my furnace/AC a little more effeciant. I caulked and taped any leaks that were in the duct work then I wrapped this Reflectix Insulation around it. What it is is bubblewrap, but made of aluminum. (not 100% aluminum, but you get the idea). It has made a dramatic effect on the A/C. But this stuff can be used in a lot more places. One thing they mention is a radiant barrier. You staple it to the rafters in the attic, and it is supposed to block 97% of radiant heat. Just blocking 20 or 30% could really help if it really works. Has anyone tried this or any other similar product for this application, if so what did you think. I have also seen a product you put over your insulation in the attic that has a similar effect. Snake oil or will this help? Thanks

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