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Deschutes River whitewater rafting on Tues July 8


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Ok, this is the current plan. I have contacted a local rafting company.


Location is Maupin, Or, about a 3 hour drive from John Day. Trip starts at 10am in the morning, so we have to leave John Day at 7am.


The rafting trip will last about 4 - 5 hours, so we will be done and leaving Maupin around 3:30pm, back in John Day around 6pm


Cost is 70.00 per person, in includes a lunch. Lunch is a grilled hamburger or chicken sandwich, chips and drink.


This is a class II or III river, so fun but not real hard, and should be lots of fun. There will be plenty of opportunity to swim or relax between the falls.


I have reserved two rafts, so there is room for 16 people. We can add another raft, but we have to do so in combinations of 6 or 8 i.e 18, 24 30, 32 etc.


Respond to this thread if you are in.


Once again trip will be on Tuesday July 8, 10am - 3pm, will include lunch and lots of fun.


Registration deadline is Friday June 20, so please respond early.

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well it seems the early morning 3 hour ride has put a number of people off.


so I have a couple of options.


1. I will have my Honda Odyssey with us, so if you want to ride your bike all your gear can be stowed in our car.


2. there is another river much closer, about a 1 hour ride, maybe less. Anyway it is a much calmer river so more of a leisurely raft ride than white water rafting.


would either of these options make for a day off from riding. if so let me know, PM me. thanks.

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Randy, if you want to do this then you have picked the right river. The John Day usually is low at this time of year. The Deschutes river is fed from a dam so water is predictable. Getting up that early is very worth it. If you tell the raft company it is bikes from around the country and Canada comming finding a place for gear during the day shouldn't be a problem. There is a BLM/Forest service fenced lot up the hill, I'd bet arrangements could be made to park there.

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