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Torrey Tree ID?


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It seemed like all over the Torrey area there were these wonderful trees with small (1/4" - 1/2") medallion-like leaves, almost petals. The ground would be littered with them, like confetti. They were all over the


Like an idiot I never got a decent shot, but here's a poor crop of one:




Bob or anyone else know what they are?


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Hard to tell for certain from the pic but they are probably cottonwoods which are by far the most common big tree here. The petals are indeed petals, they flower early in the spring then form masses of white cotton that floats about in the breeze until it falls and creates a terrible mess. Normally this happens in late May but this year everything is behind due to the long, long, long, winter. Are these the trees in the Chuckwagon parking lot and that line the main street? If so they are definitely cottonwoods.

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