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green pipe thingies around the neighborhood

Joe Frickin' Friday

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Joe Frickin' Friday

So the past couple of years I've started noticing these things around the neighborhood:




What the heck are they????


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If we were in Japan, I'd have different outlook on what they might be. However, it appears they could be some sort of venting system for methane gas....


or I may be full of the stuff that causes the venting situation.! lmao.giflmao.gif

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Calvin  (no socks)

NORAD has been relocating ICBMs into neighborhood settings, to conceal them in plain sight.


or....The mole people need to breathe.


OTOH... it could be cold weather venting easily visible in snow. I did a search for underground utility vents and and came up with similar designs.

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Looks like vents for underground distribution regulators on a natural gas (Methane) system. The metal hatches in the background with the yellow paint on the center probly give access to the shut off valves.


Yellow markings on the ground are industry standard to indicate natural gas (At least in CA).

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Looks like vents for underground distribution regulators on a natural gas (Methane) system. The metal hatches in the background with the yellow paint on the center probly give access to the shut off valves.


Yellow markings on the ground are industry standard to indicate natural gas (At least in CA).


Also Yellow can indicate electric. If you look at the manhole next to the yellow ones, you will also see a green one, which indicates sewer. Since they're green, the other possibility is that they might be air relief vents for sewer force mains, probably with odor scrubber columns.

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If we were in Japan, I'd have different outlook on what they might be. However, it appears they could be some sort of venting system for methane gas....


or I may be full of the stuff that causes the venting situation.! lmao.giflmao.gif


I might guess 'gas' as well....Saw things similiar to that on a ride in Centralia, PA last year...

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I see similar vent-like pipes dirt riding; there, I think they are vents for decomposing underground waste matter. Any chance the areas in your neighborhood were once waste disposal sites (dump in plain speak).


btw, is vegamite a meat analogue ?



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btw, is vegamite a meat analogue ?



I think you're on to something - there must have been a recent import of Marmite and those pipes are venting a Vegemite disposal site, hope they have really good scrubbers.
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Karnak says you have a fairly large natural gas pipeline underground there. Those look just like the vents on a 36" 300 psi nat gas transmission line that I used to have running through my city. They're there to handle overpressure in the line. Never smell them unless it is foggy / damp.

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Mitch, I'd be really, really careful. It looks like you've got a rather large colony of Morlocks in the area. They need air to breath too, ya know.


On second thought, just tell them you're "Meat Analogue." I'm pretty sure Morlocks think Boca Burgers and Tofu Turkey are yucky.



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