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YouTube: Archive of "Weird Physics" videos

Joe Frickin' Friday

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Joe Frickin' Friday



Haven't watched many of these yet, but they look pretty cool.


One video of note on the first page is a tornado viewed from a news helicopter. The tornado happened in a northern Minneapolis suburb in summer '86; it's the only tornado I've ever actually seen in person, and in this particular case the local NBC news traffic helicopter was in the air and deliberately flew in for a VERY close look, within about 1/4-1/2 mile, recording some unbelievably detailed footage (what you see in the video) with a gyro-stablized lens on their camera. You can see entire trees being flopped back and forth until the trunk breaks and they get sucked hundreds of feet up in the air. Yikes.

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True story.......


Late August 2005 , we are on holiday in Florida , and decide to drive to Daytona beach for the day ... just about 4.00 pm , the skies turn sullen , so we pack up and leave ... once on the highway , we are enveloped by a sudden and fierce thunderstorm , windscreen wipers on full speed , the rain hammering down on the vehicle , travelling at 20 mph ......... then a bolt of lightening struck the road in between our car and the one in front ........ EVERYBODY screamed , except me ....... I ducked !!! ........ and I WAS DRIVING !!!

The thunder clap that followed was the loudest noise I have ever heard .

Twenty minutes later , you would never had guessed it had even been raining .



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