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Chess has made me a better Rider


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I've had a passion for the game of Chess for nearly 15 years, and as it is with any passion,

it's always in the back of my mind.


As I ride, my brain often sifts through it's catalog of games I seen, read about, or played.

And I've noticed that some of the principles of the game can apply directly to Riding.


Those that play will notice some of the similarities.




Chess is all about positioning.


Protecting your major pieces.


Being able to quickly analyze your position.


Thinking several moves in advance.


Seeing danger developing and preparing a defensive strategy.


And, keeping your escape routes open by not letting yourself get trapped.




It is an amazing game that can become addictive and all consuming. thumbsup.gif

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Kasparov says:

What a great analogy.

It you don't mind, I am going to steal it for my Safety column in our Abate newsletter.


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That sounds so much better than the Smith Driving system crap they force me to endure many times a year at my work.


I have to admit it works.

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