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World's Dumbest Crooks part 4,384


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I'm not as convinced as some posters who weren't there that the best response to a man with a gun in his hand would have been for some civilians who probably wouldn't regularly practice shooting to quick draw their shootin irons and start blazing away.
Versus of course these highly trained individuals who some people think are the only ones who should be allowed to carry linky


Most police officers "train" once a year just before they have to do their annual certifications on the range. Municipal budgets being what they are, most don't pay for the time & ammo for police officers to be able to shoot regularly - they do it on their own or almost never.

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I remember reading an article about soldiers in WW-I not wanting to shoot people. The answer was to "desensitive" them by using human silhouette targets for practice.

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Most police officers "train" once a year just before they have to do their annual certifications on the range. Municipal budgets being what they are, most don't pay for the time & ammo for police officers to be able to shoot regularly - they do it on their own or almost never.

I just don't get it. This is not an indictment against all police officers, so if you are not in this category, please don't feel offended.

I hear people join the police force to "serve and protect", others just want a job and they get it, great. Here in Chicago there has been regime changes and the new police chief wants the officers to get in physical shape, but the complaint comes back "they don't give me time off to go work out, so I'm not going to". Then there are the calls from the policeman's fund asking me to help pay for vests for the officers. For who, the ones who will not practice accuracy at a range and might accidentally hit me if push came to shove in a shopping mall or on the street and are too fat to run down a perp?

How would you feel if your house was burning or your family was trapped on the fifth floor of an apartment building and the guys that showed up said, sorry that I am too fat to climb the ladder and save your kids, but the department doesn't pay me to exercise.

I have an HVAC business and before I could work on a furnace or A-C unit I had to buy at least $500.00 worth of equipment and then later, spend another $2500.00 for more tools. Then I have to keep myself in shape so that I can squat down and shimmy around in basements and attics, because if I can't perform, I don't make any money.

Also, 100 rounds of 38cal is about $26.00 and I am quite sure that finding a place to practice four times a year for free is doable.

Why is it that they are not forced to comply? Is it the unions standing in the way or is there a good reason for them not doing whatever it takes to be the best in serving and protecting?

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Why is it that they are not forced to comply? Is it the unions standing in the way or is there a good reason for them not doing whatever it takes to be the best in serving and protecting?


Ask me that question some time in person. I can answer it, but I'm sure not gonna answer it in public, considering who I work for. grin.gif

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Unless you've actually been in a position of having a nutcase point a gun at you, at close range, you may not have a real appreciation for just what a "bother" it can be...


I'm sure you're right. I'm also pretty sure we employ a police force to deal with those bothers.


Yes, and by deal with, he means draw a neat chalk outline around you and take a report.


You know perfectly well that police officers have no legal duty to protect. Most people realize that police cannot protect you regardless - as this case amply demonstrates. If the first time the guy walked into the muffler shop he had become agitated and started shooting employees, there would have been nobody to protect them but themselves.

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serving and protecting?


The police have NO DUTY to protect you.


Warren v. District of Columbia






As for why more cops don't train better, I don't know. Wish I did. My old home range was home to a local sheriff's office as well and they never even used up all the ammo the taxpayers bought them.


There were a few who were very proficient always trying to get their hands on the prior fiscal period's unused training ammo to get better.


Odd, since people in most other jobs take continuing education and the like, and their lives don't depend on it.

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Odd, since people in most other jobs take continuing education and the like, and their lives don't depend on it.
For the vast majority of police officers, their lives don't rely on their abilities with a firearm either. Most will retire without ever needing to draw their guns.


It's interesting - I live in a town that has had 2 murders in the past 150 years, perhaps 1 reported rape every 5 years and an odd smattering of burglaries each year. All in all not a high crime place. But, I'm doing a pistol course for a couple of prospective police officers who want to get some proficiency before they head off to the academy - they didn't want to be embarrassed smile.gif


I teach those guys for the cost of ammo.

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As for why more cops don't train better, I don't know


I was reading a back issue of International Game Warden magazine today (really, but it's a long story) and there was an article promoting laser sights that claimed that police officers with conventional sights only have a 20% hit rate (but 90% with laser sights). That's pretty pathetic, and that's guys who actually qualify and have some training. (Also makes our Chicago cop who hit 50% on the guy in the muffler shop look good).

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Also, 100 rounds of 38cal is about $26.00 and I am quite sure that finding a place to practice four times a year for free is doable.


Paul, do you have a source for it at that price?


I'm lucky to find 9mm @ $20/100rnds. I've got a friend with a .38 and he's paying $20 for 25-50 rounds (depending on make).


If this is "the gun thread" might as well talk about guns..

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I go to GAT Guns and the two that I use for practice with are Blazer Brass 38 special 125 grain FMJ $11.99/50 and Aguila 130 Grain FMJ $11.49/50.

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