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Black Licorice Jelly Beans?


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I eat all of them first, then the reds, greens and finally the yellows and blues. I can't have many (damn near pure sugar) so the picking tends to prolong the experience. Takes me weeks to go through one small bag.

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Calvin  (no socks)

Diane, save me the black ones, I'll be over later....just after dark.....ding dong.. trick or treat......(have some luminaries on the sidewalk)... grin.gif

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I am glad there are so many anal people in the world like me. Ed, I eat M&Ms similar to how you eat jelly beans. I guess the difference is your jelly beans have different flavors.


Calvin, you are welcome to come get the black ones; if they survive the days as turds.

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Llike em, can't eat em. I've always gotten a headache when I eat black licorice, even when I was a kid....loved those Good N Plenty and they didn't like me.


Someone told me licorice raises blood pressure maybe that's it or maybe I just have some kind of allergic reaction to it.


BTW....that cake looks yummy! Happy Easter.

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while i still could eat any amount of sugar the black ones were the best as is all liquorice, especially the scandinavian salty style..

NOw though it is a real picking for one sometimes.



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What do you do?


Used to throw them away...but I guess I'll start sending them to you and Calvin! Jeeze, I hate those damn things!

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My Dad always ate the black jelly beans so, for me, it was associated with being an adult--just like drinking coffee. Now I'm the head of my household and master of my domain. I get to eat the black jelly beans and think they taste good. Could have been worse--he could've had a thing for Peeps.

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Just be careful, the black ones might be licorice, or they might be skunk spray!


Ever try these?

Pairings that are indistinguishable until you taste them. tongue.gif

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I just happened to be at our local mall this past weekend (wasting time waiting to meet my wife for dinner)...walked past the Candy Store and went inside to see if they had any Black Jelly Beans. YES!!! They hadd'em all right!! So I found where they were hiding the little bags....and thru about 6 scoops in one. Walked over to the cash retgister, where the guy weighed them......and then announces $14 AND CHANGE!!!!!!!!! Holy crap!! Stunned....I paid....and walked back over to the bin they'd been in, looking for a price sticker.....nada....nothing....no price sticker at all....zip.....started walking back to the register (thinkin' that maybe he made a mistake..) and out of the corner of my eye...about waist level high.....I see one of them little plastic sticks with a post card sized label stuck on it...... and after bending over to read it.....I see $2.99......................a QUARTER POUND!!.............


Won't be going back there to buy anything.....EVER!!


But, they sure taste good!!



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$2.99......................a QUARTER POUND!!.............


The day after Easter is the time to buy jellybeans. I pick up two pounds today at half price. smile.gif

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My Dad always ate the black jelly beans so, for me, it was associated with being an adult--just like drinking coffee. Now I'm the head of my household and master of my domain. I get to eat the black jelly beans and think they taste good. Could have been worse--he could've had a thing for Peeps.


OK - I admit it, you caught me. I have a thing for Peeps. I read an article not to long ago that they were going to make my beloved Peeps in China (they were just plastic containers holding bubbles). I wronte a nasty email; low and behold about a month later, I received a box from them with all kinds of Peeps!!! clap.gifclap.gifclap.gif I was so happy I almost cried. I must also admit (because if I don't someone sitting across from me will bust me,) that I won't eat the eyes of the peeps. Those eyes just get stuck in my teeth.


As far as the black licorice at $2.99, you must have been paying for for the "undocumented" workers labor to separate the black from the other colors. lmao.giflmao.giflmao.gif

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Could have been worse--he could've had a thing for Peeps.
We celebrate with Peeps-on-Poops smile.gif Put a handful of chocolate chips on a little plate, sit a Peep on top and then microwave for 30-45 seconds...the Peep expands to humongous size, the chips melt into a puddle of chocolate and you eat them by wiping up the chocolate with the Peep...YummY!!! clap.gif


(And yes, I like the black jelly beans too)

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