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::..i'M sITTING here...having a beer and reading..::


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iT'S mOOSE'S birthday today -- March 14th..!


I'm killin' time until I can see her when she finally gets home from work - (*she was sick at home from Monday until yesterday)


So...no big doing's tonight - but tomorrow..!!


Watch out..!


*sip* yup - that first beer is good on a Friday - eh?


Be Well - everybody have a good weekend.!


(can you tell I got to ride the last three days.. eek.gifwOOhOOeek.gif)

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Happy birthday to your better half.thumbsup.gif Not having met her yet, I'm making my "better" assumption on the basis of another assumption -- that she'd be courteous enough to refrain from mentioning beer while some of us are still working (or pretending to). smirk.gif

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I've had to cut way back on my beer consumption but I'll hoist my glass of ice cold milk.


Happy Birthday, Moose. clap.gifclap.gifclap.gif

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