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Official Announcement - N. Cal Motorcyclist 1st Aid Class - April 19


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FREE Motorcycle First-Aid Class - Join us at A&S BMW Motorcycles April 19th, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.


You won’t earn any certifications with this class, but it will arm you with some valuable, real-world practical information that you can use immediately.


You’ll realize there is a lot you can do to help someone in the unfortunate event they go down while riding. We’ll go over the basics: the before, the after, and some techniques and tools that are readily available to aid a fallen rider and you. You’ll have the opportunity to see some examples and participate in some scenarios that will help you prepare for the day when you could make the difference.


Contact Megan McLeer, A&S BMW Motorcycles at megan@ascycles.com to reserve your space in the class!

There is no charge for this class. Lunch is complimentary from A&S BMW Motorcycles; class handouts and materials will be provided by the River City Beemer Motorcycle Club.


Your instructor, Phil Challinor, is a lifelong rider, former motorcycle road-racer, MSF instructor, firefighter, and paramedic. Phil will explain what is going in a real world, practical, plain speak.


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Oooooo...can I come?????






Oh wait, it's in NoCal???? I can't possibly ride that far! bncry.giflmao.gif


Fly in, I'll pick you up and loan you a bike!!!!!!!!



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Your instructor, Phil Challinor, is a lifelong rider, former motorcycle road-racer, MSF instructor, firefighter, paramedic and real world p-u-t-z. Phil will explain what is going in a real world, practical, plain speak.




????? eek.gifeek.gif



lmao.giflmao.gif [sorry.... couldnt pass it up. grin.gif]

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were is A&S in relationship to TwentyNine Palms, CA. I would like to tell my son about this, but if it is over 200 miles, well Ducati 996's really are not made for long trips. lmao.gif

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The riding season is upon us so make sure you get signed up for this class!!!


Megan is accepting reservations and is awaiting your call!


If there are topics that you want specific information on during this, post it and I'll see what I can do to get your questions answered!!!


This is YOUR class. Let's make it what you want!!!


Call or email Megan at A&S BMW today!!!

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Having been to one of these a few years ago, I've noticed that I've forgotten much of what was covered and I'm feeling mentally challenged right now if it did come down to needing to know what do in a blink of an eye. if a situation came upon me. eek.gif


I'm one of the few out here that doesn't want to look at the train wreck or the carnage of a auto crash. Heck, I even flip the channel while I'm watching a movie, if I think I'm going to see more than some blood on the screen. I'm a BIG Wussy when it comes to this stuff. lmao.gif


Yet, I know I really need to get over this and want to be able to do the right think at the right time if & when it's needed.


So, all of you guys that go to this event, take notes so you can help out someone like me, please. thumbsup.gif

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