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The last of winter in Rocky Mountain National Park (w/pics)

Mike O

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And so, as many others have pointed out, the weather is beginning to warm to the tilt of earth’s spring direction towards the sun. Here in Denver, the skies have shown blue and consistent highs in the 40’s and 50’s allow me to wear the Gerbings without actually plugging them in! Yesterday was such a day with temps approaching record 70 degrees and so I wondered just how my favorite place on earth was behaving on these last days of winter.




I head out of Denver towards Boulder with 62deg temps and stopped at an overlook I have passed by so many times before. I’m sure there are other travelers and commuters that don’t find the time to stop and ‘smell the roses’ as they say.




But for some odd reason (and a spare few minutes I had) I decided to pull off to see what this Boulder Turnpike overlook offered.




In the distance you can see the brick towers of the University of Colorado. The miles between Denver on the east side are still undeveloped, but clearly that changes on an annual basis with Louisville encroaching from the east and Longmont from the north. US36 was originally a full fledged turnpike in 1952 and one of the few (the only one I know of) that once the bonds were repaid, the turnpike became a US highway (US36). A nice history can be found here http://www.mesalek.com/colo/dbt.html




Along US 36 past Lyons, you begin to see Rocky Mountain National Park in the distance. It’s snow covered peaks still bright white from the extraordinary snow the state received this year.




A Tuesday afternoon at 1p provides the best time to head into Estes Park. During summer months and especially on weekends, I avoid this area like the plague. But there was hardly a car in sight which makes for a very relaxing ride and a chance to take in the beauty of the area.




Along the way a snapped a few shots. As you can see, there is still a fair amount of snow and frozen ponds. After all it’s still winter.










And finally to the entrance of heaven…I asked the ranger how many folks had been through the park that day (it was now about 130p). He just winked and said “Only one local on a blue motorcycle so far!" Maybe I had the place to myself!




And comfortable riding weather to boot!




Inside the park, there is still plenty of snow on Sundance Mountain (the tall white peaked mountain on the left - almost 12,500 feet) and Mt. Chapin on the right (12,500)






And even though it’s cold, the snow has begun to melt and there are more than a few critters looking for lunch. I noticed these guys were tagged.




A few shots further into the park. If I had to guess the snow at this elevation is still a few feet deep.






No those are not ski runs on those mountains!






Obligatory motorcycle shots…This is near one of the campgrounds, albeit I did not see ONE camper in the entire park.






My favorite…




And despite the warmth at this lower elevation, I’m inclined to believe that at these higher 14,000ft peaks its still a bit ‘chilly’.








And I noticed as I glanced down, the really interesting reflections in my rearview mirrors…and caught myself glancing more and more in this direction as I rolled out of the park.




With RMN Park in my rearview mirror I headed back to the Denver area. Along Hwy 7 heading towards Lyons, one rides through several rock walls like this.




All in all, it was nice having the park to myself. This is one of the most beautiful places in the world. And even as the last few weeks of winter rest on the park, it’s evident that the park, just like us motorcyclists is ready for spring. I'll update the pictures as spring approaches as the wildflowers begin to pop up through the frozen tundra.


Until then, maybe I'll see you on the road. If I'm not home, you'll find me somewhere in the park.


Mike O

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Nice! cool.gifwave.gif


Most of my best memories of RMNP have been from time spent there during the "off" season. We're fortunate to have such a treasure nearby. Drop a line the next time you're headed in -- I might find a way to join you.

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Great pictures! Sounds like a perfect day! Something about all that blue sky, crisp mountain air... I wish it could be bottled and brought back to the city... wait a minute - no I don't. Rides and places like that are so special we never want to see things change.

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Sweeeeet! thumbsup.gif


Love that place too. Looks like you had a good ride on some great roads without much traffic. Great views. Great writing too.


I can't help commenting on the near record warm day. Those temps just make me a little nervous this time of year. Are you guys at risk of flooding if things warm up and thaw too fast? Over on this side of the hill they're starting to hint at a bit of worry over spring floods. Actually we have some areas that have already flooded.


Thanks for posting!



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Welcome back......next time(your gone this long)..... I'm gonna come lookin for ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





BTW......Nice Pix!!!!

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aWESOME, mIKE -- I was wondering how you were doing with the extended season..nice pix too.!


Good to see you got out and made a day of it..! And your 70 tops my 57..!


Who gives a crap - we both got out - right..!


Good on'ya, brutha. thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifclap.gifclap.gif

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Very nice.


Having lived in Arvada some twenty years ago, I took many a trip on those same roads. Your pics brought back some wonderful memories.


You're right, that's one of the most beautiful places on earth.

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Joe Frickin' Friday
But for some odd reason (and a spare few minutes I had) I decided to pull off to see what this Boulder Turnpike overlook offered.




Mike, was that the Davidson Mesa overlook on US36 just north of McCaslin?


And finally to the entrance of heaven…I asked the ranger how many folks had been through the park that day (it was now about 130p). He just winked and said “Only one local on a blue motorcycle so far!" Maybe I had the place to myself!


When you say "through" the park...was Trail Ridge Road actually open all the way to the west side of the park?

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Now I wish I had played hooky from work, rather than just coming in early so I could leave early to go riding.


Great shot from the overlook. Mark loves that stop for taking pictures. I can't even begin to tell you how often we have stopped there to get photos of the Flatirons or Long's Peak.

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Joel said..."Drop a line the next time you're headed in -- I might find a way to join you."


I'll try to do that. I find recently that my riding times are very spontaneous. I open the window and if I don't see my breath, I'm on the bike.


Jan said..."Are you guys at risk of flooding if things warm up and thaw too fast?"


It's been my observation that here in Colorado, flooding occurs when there is lots of snow and very rapid rise in temperatures. While I haven't heard any climatology predictions, I'm certain a lot of folks will keep an eye on the thermometer.


As an interesting side note, we were up at our cabin and after a particularly warm day, the top layer of snow melted and FROZE overnight . Folks, be careful out there...


Kitsap said... "What's the green rocker switch for?"


My Hella lights.


Whip...You know where to find me.


John...Yes, we did get out. Even your 57 would be pleasant weather to ride in.


Mitch said..."Mike, was that the Davidson Mesa overlook on US36 just north of McCaslin?"


Very close, but Davidson Mesa is behind me in that photo (to the South East closer to Superior).


And no, Trail Ridge Road will likely not open for a few more weeks, and then it still will not be motobike friendly. As to 'through', when can still drive 'through' RMN Park albeit not 'over' the passes (at the moment).




Mike O

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Mike, you are killing me man. Last summer my buddy and I rode 7 and then 72. What a great trip.clap.gif


Are you guys still chowing down in Morrison on Saturday mornings?

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Thanks all...Yes, my contributions have been sparse of late. I've been occupied with a few personal challenges.


And Bud, yes, there is still a "Spencer" breakfast waiting for you. My treat if you can eat it all in one sitting.




Mike O

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Thanks all...Yes, my contributions have been sparse of late. I've been occupied with a few personal challenges.


And Bud, yes, there is still a "Spencer" breakfast waiting for you. My treat if you can eat it all in one sitting.




Mike O


For those of you who don't know, Mike suggested a Spencer breakfast when we ate together in Morrison before the UN in Gunnison. What he didn't tell me is that the breakfast if big enough for a family of four hungry people. So his offer of a "free" breakfast if I can eat it all is somewhat suspect.


But his company is enjoyable all the time. thumbsup.gif I'm honored to have had the pleasure of spending time with him.

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