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That was pretty cool. I missed the bear too. So, here is a question, how do you improve your awareness? Are there things you can do in everyday life, tricks, tests, exercises that will help expand your awareness?



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That was pretty cool. I missed the bear too. So, here is a question, how do you improve your awareness? Are there things you can do in everyday life, tricks, tests, exercises that will help expand your awareness?


The video was aimed at non-motorcyclists, so the trick is to make people aware of the presence of motorcycles. When the narrator told us a bear was in the video, we saw it. Pretty simple. Driver's education, licensing exams and motorcycle safety campaigns need to do a better job of stressing the fact that motorcycles (and bicycles for that matter) share the roadways. The video was overboard on the distraction of the basketball passes. If a driver let themselves be distracted for that long, they'd surely hit something, whether it was a motorcyclist or a tree. And of course half the responsibility to be seen is the motorcyclist's. Effective demonstration though!

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If a driver let themselves be distracted for that long ...


But it wasn't distraction. It was concentration on the task at hand. The viewer represents a driver who is paying close attention to a specific task.


When they asked me to count passes, I recognized the study it was reproducing and was watching for the bear to show up... and I missed a couple of passes.

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Good, bad or indifferent, I took my eye off the white ball & noticed an odd looking black player (or so I thought) traveling backwards whilst shuffling.

I saw the acter, but took my eye off the ball tongue.gif

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