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Ridin' to Vegas... Or should we not?


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I have to go to Vegas for a week for some training. So gosh, why not have some fun and ride the RT?


Any reason we shouldn't? We will be staying at the Luxor. I am assuming they have reasonably secure parking? We will bring in all luggage and will use caliper lock. Anything more we should do?

I have ridden bikes in Vegas before, so I am already prepared for the traffic.

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I would absolutely ride your RT. The only other suggestion I would make is to bring a cover for your bike. Out of sight out of mind is a good thing. Have fun.

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The only other suggestion I would make is to bring a cover for your bike. Out of sight out of mind is a good thing. Have fun.


+1 on the cover!


I did this last year. I left the bike in the garage, of the casino, all bags removed, covered, with disc lock and the alarm armed. I rented a car for around town - you do not want to ride the bike as a mode of transportation in that city.


At Treasure Island the motorcycle parking was about 40' and within view of the parking attendant. I had absolutely no problems.


Have fun. I hear there are some great day rides to be had. Make sure you visit the Las Vegas BMW store - very nice. thumbsup.gif

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Thanks all! That was what I figured, and it's good to know it will be OK.


Fortunately, we like to walk. Driving ANYTHING in Vegas is an exercise in frustration. I've even had cabbies tell me it would be much faster to walk from one end of the strip to other on a weekend night....


Is lane splitting allowed in Nevada? My recollection is it is technically illegal, but not sure if it is actively enforced.

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Riding in Vegas is not bad at all. Riding on the strip is not fun however. There is a heck of a lot more to Vegas than just the strip. I own two BMW motorcycles and no cage. I ride EVERY day to work and back (30 miles). Yeah, there are a lot of crazies here, you just have to ride accordingly. By all means ride the RT. Take it up to Red Rock for a great little ride, or out to Lake Mead Rec area. You'll be glad you did.

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While lane splitting is illegal in Nevada I have done it on the freeway in 100 degree heat and it did not hurt my feelings a bit. In that kind of heat with bumper to bumper traffic I am willing to take my chances with the LEO's.

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*** Furiously scribbling notes ***


yeah, yeah, got it, uh huh....


What else say ye?


How about decent food at reasonable prices within walking distance of the Luxor? We're there all week.... And sure as heck can't afford to eat on the strip all week!


I love mom and pop style diners owned and cared for by locals. OK, heck, we can take the RT out a couple evenings for good food. Any suggestions?

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Don't forget the Mt Charlston loop, go see the Dam and Valley of the Fire. wave.gif


When you see the dam - do the tour - its about an hour so its not too time consuming plus you get to go down inside and see the generators - impressive.


If you have the time you may want to stretch for a look at the Grand Canyon (if you haven't been before) - but call ahead for weather and driving conditions.



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Wow....food....hmmmmm. Rainforest Cafe at the MGM is fairly reasonable and prices are not bad. One of my favorite places it Ricardo's on the northwest corner of Decatur and Flamingo if you can get there (North and West of the Luxor) You'll have to ride there. Great food and decent prices. If you head east on Tropicana (toward the airport) you'll run into Maryland Pkwy a few miles away right where UNLV is. Probably some decent places in that area. (East on Tropicana and hang a left onto Maryland Pkwy). There is a new area they just built a bit south of the Luxor called "Town Center" (right side of Las Vegas Blvd as you are travelling south, maybe a mile or a half). Get down there one evening and take your appetite to Claim Jumpers; again, take your appetite. Good luck! thumbsup.gif

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Luxor is one of the casinos that actaully has motorcycle parking. I usally stay at Excalibur next door when I ride out, as they have the bike parking too. Never had an issue with my S there, but I usually chain it up with something.


If your out there, see the dam. It is really something to see. If your into it, Las Vegas Motor Speedway is not too far outside of town as well, but on the opposite end.


As far as food, I generally stay on the strip to eat while I am out there. Too much different food around. Luxor's buffet is not bad, neither is Excalibur's, although neither is what I would call good. Excalibur does have a great Steak House upstairs, but I was just there a few weeks ago and it was closed for remodeling, so if you out there soon, you'll have to skip that one. Also in Excalibur is Dick's Last Resort, its just bar food, but you will have a great time, and you will be insulted, put down and told you are a pain the backside just for eating there. Its a great time.


Mandalay Bay is the upper scale of the three adjoined hotels and they have several good restaurants, or you can stroll over to the NY/NY Hotel and they have a bunch of great little restaurants in the bourghs. Monte Carlo has a bar that brews their on beer, its one of the best bars on the strip, IMHO.


Whatever you do, have a great time and if you have never been to the Luxor before, don't drink too much booze then ride the inclinators to your room. blush.gif

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