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Nolan N-103 Helmet?


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OK, I need a new "system" helmet and don't want to spend the AUD$850.00 for the BMW version.


I'm happy enough to throw a Nolan on my head instead of the BMW versions which I've had for years.


I tried on the N-102 because the N-103 isn't imported into Australia yet. I'd buy one from overseas.


My problem is my very normal, non-neanderthal chin came into contact quite firmly with the chin bar of the N-102 I tried on to find my head size.


The chin touching the chin bar is a known "feature".


Have they fixed this with the N-103? Anyone know the answer?




Linz smile.gif

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I don't know about the N-103, but I have the same problem and the Nolan X-Lite X-1002 helmet works great for me. They're just not N-Com ready if that's an issue for you.

It's a lighter and better helmet too, made of fiberglass/kevlar instead of polycarbonate. I've got two of them and I got my wife one too.

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