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Nav lll and iPhone


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I can't seem to pair the Nav lll to the iPhone (1.1.4 version). The Nav lll sees the Autocom Dongle but won't pair using 0000 or 1234 (or 1111). The Nav lll also sees the iPhone but won't pair to it either.


Going from the iPhone, it sees the Autocom Dongle but won't pair (wrong PIN, it says) using 0000 or 1234 or anything else I try. The iPhone also sees the Nav lll but won't pair to it either.


Any suggestions?

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What's an Autocom dongle? My iPhone linked right up to my Nav III with no problem. Do you have the latest unit software update in the Nav III?

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I have the Nav III and the Autocom bike to bike com system. The Autocom has a connection to the Nav III and a "dongle" that is the plug for the Autocom. My helmet has the Autocom speakers and a mic. The helmet is plugged into the Autocom dongle on the bike. This allows bike to bike communication. The Autocom also allows me to hear the Nav III navigation audio prompts.


The Autocom / Nav III should also give me access to the iPhone for cell calls received / initiated through the Nav III.


Gotta pair the iPhone with the Nav III/Autocom speakers and mic for this to happen though. That's where I am stuck.

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Do you have the latest firmware in the nav? 4.40 is current. IIRC there were some bluetooth enhancements in past upgrades.

I have a SP2820 paired to my iPhone (1.1.3 at the moment) and it's works fine.

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