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Carrying Helmet on Plane?


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Has anyone yet "discovered" an inexpensive hard-sided case (or padded) for checking helmets/other riding equipment that might withstand baggage handlers' shenanigans? All my ancient Samsonite luggage pieces are just an inch or so too shallow to hold 2 Nolan N100's. OR maybe something large enough to "carry-on" so I could stash a few more goodies in it and still stuff it under the seat or overhead bins? confused.gif

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I don't have any good, worthwhile suggestions (nothing new there), but...



You could just wear it, and when asked why tell them you've flown with this flight crew before. eek.gif

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When flying from Canada to Brazil a few years ago, I became paranoid about the possibility of baggage handlers stealing my Schuberth helmet if I checked it in as luggage.


So I decided to carry it on in the cloth bag that came with the helmet. No issues, no problems. Simple solution.

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I put my Schuberth in the Roadgear euro bag and took it with me as cabin luggage. Had all the autocomm and gps in the helmet, wiring etc. Lots of fun going through the security with it. But it went ok in the end.


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Danielle just stuck hers in a normal helmet bag and brought it along as a "carry on" item when she flew out west to meet me in Spokane a few years ago. I know my Mom has also done this many times in order to meet up with my Dad while he was traveling on the bike.

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Only take it/them as carry-on luggage. You don't even need a bag in that case. My wife flew to meet me in Milwaukee last summer on our way to California, then flew home from Denver afterwards. She just carried it on with her (dressed in her riding gear), complete with Autocom lead hanging out.

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I don't have any good, worthwhile suggestions (nothing new there), but...



You could just wear it, and when asked why tell them you've flown with this flight crew before. eek.gif


eddd you are tooo much! lmao.giflmao.giflmao.giflmao.gif


I can just see the reactions one would get from the staff. Not to mention other passengers that may overhear that comment! thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif


Good One! clap.gif


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George Brown

Not hard sided but I've used my old USMC duffle bag. All my riding gear fits in it including boots, 'stitch Darien, helmet, gloves, etc. Good part is I can fold it up and store it on or in the bike when I am at my destination. Worked great when I flew to Oregon to ride Fasterpill's K-RS back east.

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We used some boot bags for skiing that we got from Landsend years ago. We were able to get our boots, leathers, helmets plus other stuff in there. We padded the helmet with the leathers so it was well protected.

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Ski boot bags cary a helmet nicely and fit into the over head bins. I'd expect the helmet to travel safely in the belly of a plane if the helmet is packed into a soft boot bag with thick cardboard on the sides for some added stiffness and then clothes packed all around the helmet. In short you want the card to be supported by the clothes so it will absorb an impact by a corner of another suitcase. Remember to pack clothes UNDER the helmet!

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Carrying a hard helmet case is a great idea, but you need to remember you'll be on a motorcycle, and then where do you carry the Helmet carrying Case ??

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I use a soft-sided helmet bag with handles (e.g.: link). It's easy to carry, packs small and my XL fits in overhead bins without a problem. I've packed other things inside the helmet too. I don't think I would entrust my helmet to baggage handlers.

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We put our "second string" helmets in a regular soft sided suitcase and checked them. We tucked them into t-shirts to prevent scratches, and then packed all of the soft clothing around them so there was absolutely no movement possible. There were at least 4 layers of cloth between the helmet and suitcase.


Came through perfectly. I would not hesitate to transport "first string" helmets in the same way. At first I was concerned about them getting crushed or damaged due to so much other luggage getting stacked/dropped/thrown on top of them in the hold, and then it dawned on me.... Helmets better be way too tough to be damaged that way! If they should be able to handle 300G impacts, Bubba the bag hucker can't hurt 'em!

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Carry the helmet on and check all the other gear...There are a lot of good soft-sided cases out the w/a little extra room for other carry-on stuff.

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Here's a few other items to consider..especially if you care about your helmet:


Do you really want to check in your helmet, and have a TSA inspector pull it out to look with you not around, then drop it?


How about them losing it? Do you want to spend time trying to find another?



Maybe just as others have said, carry it on, then you'll at least be in control of fate.



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... At first I was concerned about them getting crushed or damaged due to so much other luggage getting stacked/dropped/thrown on top of them in the hold, and then it dawned on me.... Helmets better be way too tough to be damaged that way! If they should be able to handle 300G impacts, Bubba the bag hucker can't hurt 'em!

+1 thumbsup.gif


In the end I think this is a personal choice based on peace of mind. A well packed helmet will easily survive all kinds of abuse without damage. BUT if you're concerned of the helmet not arriving with you or the possibility of damage is unsettling then carrying on is a simple solution. Remember when packing a helmet into a carry-on or to be checked, the inside of the helmet can hold A LOT of stuff but just make sure this stuff is soft so it won't scratch the visor or damage the interior of the helmet. thumbsup.gif

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I carried on my Nolan on a trip to florida to pick up my ebay bike. They scanned it several times due to the headset wiring inside, then spent several minutes talking to the TSA guy about his bmw.

Note: they will fit in the overhead, but not under the seat in front of you.

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I don't have any good, worthwhile suggestions (nothing new there), but...



You could just wear it, and when asked why tell them you've flown with this flight crew before. eek.gif


I don't care who you are...that is funny! lmao.giflmao.giflmao.gif

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