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Motorcycle Tire and Rim Hazard Coverage...


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Aaaargh!! Another nail in the tire last night... that makes 6 in the past year (one on the ST and 5 on the RT)... my dealer loves me and so does Michelin.


Anyways, I am seriously going to get a policy that covers this kind of thing and I have checked all over the web and have found next to nothing except for this:




Anyone here use this or recommend someone else?


Any info is much appreciated.

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6 in one year? Man, you need to reconsider where you ride, or perhaps you have a vandal in your neighborhood?


I was thinking the same thing. Quit driving through those construction areas! grin.gif

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I bought my last two tires from Cycle Gear and they offered a road hazard warranty for about $20 a tire. It's 100% replacement the first couple thousand miles and then prorated after that. I don't know if you still have to pay for mounting replacement tires.

I declined the coverage and promptly got a nail and a screw in each of them. dopeslap.gif

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Sorry, no choice as I ride EVERY WHERE... I commute, go for weekend rides, make runs to the grocery store, etc. On the bike everyday... thus the chance of a nail goes up correspondingly. It is either park it and take the car or take my chances... just want to minimize my out of pocket expenses of these tire replacements, if at all possible.

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Had Avons on my old RT and loved them.... are the Avons rated on the new RT? Seem to remember they were not recommended at the time the R1200RT came out... could be wrong about that though.


May check into that...


Anyone got a link to Avon's policy on tire hazard warranty?



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One answer might be to not throw away a perfectly good tire because of a simple nail puncture. But on second thought let's not go there... tongue.gif

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Yeah, let's not go there for my peace of minds sake.


BTW, I see that Avon has the Storm tires fitted for the RT, so I may indeed check into that. I am running Pilot Roads now.


Anyone running the Storms and can comment on them? Longevity?

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