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Bike lift doesn't.....


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My super cheap deal Harbor Freight lift (90 day warranty ends tomorrow thank god) has stopped lifting....


You may remember this thread: http://bmwsporttouring.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/964967/page/0/fpart/all/vc/1


I have tried the purge method mentioned in the instructions and even added a drop or two of hydraulic fluid, but no go...


Anyone else have this happen? I would suggest you check yours before the warranty expires....


I think I have used it 4 or 5 times, so I am at a loss as to what has happened, always worked well until tonight.. confused.gif

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Well the hydraulic ram is of course the most crucial component in the whole assembly.


Sadly proper quality control just isn't cost effective in many Chinese mfg plants. It's cheaper to make more than test every one.


Take it back and get another.


Or as Eazy E rapped this line out...

"I'll throw it in the gutter and go buy another"

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Well I returned the lift today and was pleasently surprised with how easy Harbor Freight was to deal with. Total refund no hassle....they did offer me an exchange but I decided to take the money and buy a better one somewhere else...

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Yup, with the amount of defective returned merchandise they take back in they could really care less.


Their pay check is all that matters.

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I purchased over a year ago a Ranger lift.


Model RML-750HD fantastic - many features and built like a battleship.


It would hoist up the Goldwing like nothing and the real cool thing about it you can either run it with compressed air or manually.


Another feature is that it is movable - screw down the wheel jack screws and you can reposition the lift - take up the jack screws and the unit is planted.


Had one issue and that was a leaking pump - called them and within 1 week i had a new one FOC.


Personal use recommendation. thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif



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I recommend the Handyman lift by Handy Industries. I've seen Handylifts in shops for years, this one is for home use and maybe not as pretty but is built to last.

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I recommend the Handyman lift by Handy Industries. I've seen Handylifts in shops for years, this one is for home use and maybe not as pretty but is built to last.



Handy Lift,, that is the lift I use.. In my opinion a very good & stable lift.. Most of the local monocycle dealers use the Handy also.. Will handle my Harley dresser with ease..






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I couldn't agree more, that is a great looking set up but my cheap side got the best of me...I was hoping the HF $200 lift would last a few years, I mean I probably use it less than once a month, but no such luck....

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You get what you pay for. I have the "Handyman" Handy lift in my own garage and while it is more money I have been down the road of substandard HFT before. They have their place but not with a lift, at least not in my garage.

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