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Hello, 2007? This is Repsol Honda...we want our bike back.


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What the hell is going on here?


The '08 RC212V's are slower than molasses in January. The pneumatic valve engine is a turd. (Since when has Honda had problems making an engine work????) The satellite guys are faster on last year's bikes.


So....Dani and Nicky are being given 2007 bikes to compare with the 2008 POS bikes and there's a real possibility that the top team working for the bike company is going to start this season's racing on last year's bike because Honda has missed the mark so badly (again) that it's better to throw away all of the testing and development work from the off-season than to compete on the new bike.


It really boggles the mind.

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You know what they say: race on sunday, sell (last year's model) on Monday. I think it's a cunning plan on Honda's part to clear out old inventory.

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You know what they say: race on sunday, sell (last year's model) on Monday. I think it's a cunning plan on Honda's part to clear out old inventory.


Now that's funny.


Seriously, though...it is incredible to me to see Honda missing the mark so badly. Again.


And engines not working? Come on...this is HONDA. If there's one thing they're supposed to be really good at, it is engines.


I'd really love to know what's going on inside of Honda to cause these failures.

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Might have to do with their "bold new colors" philosophy when it comes to the US market. It shouldn't be that hard to make a motor with the necessary HP. Perhaps their bike dynamics software, traction/wheelie control is what is hosed.

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Since when has Honda had problems making an engine work????


Man, if only this was advrider...


Yes they are really good at it. But racing is where they try new things and push the limits a bit. It's OK to try new things that don't work. As long as you're willing to make it work or learn from it.

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What the hell is going on here?

........ (Since when has Honda had problems making an engine work????)


The late 70's for a start.

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Don't give up hope. Remember that there infamous 6 cylinder legends from the sixties were not a success overnight. It took a few years to learn how to make them work as well.


I admire there willingness to go outside of the easy path on stuff like this. How else can you learn?

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But racing is where they try new things and push the limits a bit. It's OK to try new things that don't work.


Sure, but no matter how experimental their development efforts get, I'd still expect them to put together a competitive bike for any race season. I'd be very surprised if Honda only had one line of development and got so far down one track that they couldn't put something onto the back burner when race day came around if it didn't work as well as it should. This isn't a privateer outfit.

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heheheheeh........you said turd........heheheheehehhehehe










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But racing is where they try new things and push the limits a bit. It's OK to try new things that don't work.


Sure, but no matter how experimental their development efforts get, I'd still expect them to put together a competitive bike for any race season. I'd be very surprised if Honda only had one line of development and got so far down one track that they couldn't put something onto the back burner when race day came around if it didn't work as well as it should. This isn't a privateer outfit.


Yeah, that's my take as well.


Supposedly...The new chassis is designed around the pneumatic valve engine. The pneumatic valve engine doesn't work, so they put last year's engine in this year's chassis and they're fighting all sorts of problems due to that.


With that being the case, what they're doing (switch back to the '07 chassis with the '07 engine) makes sense as far as the racing goes.


But how can it be that the company known for its engines can't make an engine that works when the guys who make tuning forks and pianos can do it? grin.gif

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I worked with Honda for a few years on their ChampCar efforts.


- It's not as simple as it seems.

- They do fight HARD to make alternate ideas work.

- The only reason to race is to build experience and technology.

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