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Condensation in Headlight


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I am getting condensation inside the headlight. Is this normal? If not, what is the likely defective seal? I do live in the Seattle area and it has been known to rain here. confused.gif


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Mine was so bad I had it replaced under warranty about a year ago. Also the tach and I am having the tach replaced again under warranty next weekend.

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I am getting condensation inside the headlight. Is this normal? If not, what is the likely defective seal? I do live in the Seattle area and it has been known to rain here. confused.gif



Curtis, I don’t know if it’s normal or not but if you look in the archives you sure aren’t the first with that problem..


It seems a lot were replaced under warrantee (back when the bikes were newer) ..


Lots of bulbs in the rear of that headlight assembly so look to see that all have the seals in place.. I’m not sire if that light has a dedicated venting system but if so make sure it isn’t plugged form a spider or dirt..


I would imagine that once that light is hot inside from riding with it on then turned off it would pull in moist air as it cools if there is moist air to be drawn in..



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Thanks guys for the history and info. I guess I will just have to tear it apart and see what I can find. I thought the thing would dry out when I was riding from the heat generated by the bulb, but it seems to be just getting worse. Oh well, there could be worse problems.


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