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Post here: I am not selling my bike and giving up motorcycling.


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Seems faddish this week to announce that one is giving up motorcycling. I for one would be embarrassed to do that publicly - it's like proclaiming celibacy. crazy.gif


29 years of riding and looking forward to 29 more,

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Obviously you are not a candidate for priesthood. But point taken. However, it appears a subtle way to start the sale cycle for the cycle.

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Yes, and no.

In one way you may be right.

Depends on who and what/why.

On the other hand, there are some long time members, way before my generation here, who have contributed greatly to the development of the board, free expression (civil exchanges of course) who will be greatly missed if/when the reduce/stop their participation.

In that case, I would like a chance to say wave.gif.

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I for one would be embarrassed to do that publicly - it's like proclaiming celibacy. crazy.gif


Then don't--just slide away into the night quietly. We'll survive. grin.gif


Calling it a "fad" is making light of what is a tough decision for people. What's more likely is that the first "confessor" prompted the others to make an honest admission.


Not that there has to be a reason for a thread, but I don't get the purpose of yours.

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I for one would be embarrassed to do that publicly - it's like proclaiming celibacy. crazy.gif


Then don't--just slide away into the night quietly. We'll survive. grin.gif


Calling it a "fad" is making light of what is a tough decision for people. What's more likely is that the first "confessor" prompted the others to make an honest admission.


Not that there has to be a reason for a thread, but I don't get the purpose of yours.


Obviously some people believe and feel confession is good for the soul. I personally tend to fall in the category of "Never let 'em see ya sweat" so I would never post a thread on giving up cycling (for model railroading crazy.gif), but then again others (obviously) are compelled to share their most intimate thoughts. Good for them. And, in the final analysis none of us are obliged to post or reply so commenting on either is counterproductive, right? But, here we are! thumbsup.gif

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Obviously some people believe and feel confession is good for the soul. I personally tend to fall in the category of "Never let 'em see ya sweat" so I would never post a thread on giving up cycling (for model railroading crazy.gif), but then again others (obviously) are compelled to share their most intimate thoughts.


Or maybe you just don't get it. Do you know these people? Are you aware that they've been around this site for many years? It's more odd to NOT tell their friends than some stupid notion about how embarrassing it might be.


You've been here three weeks. grin.gif

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Gee....I didn't get that from these posts...thought the fad comment was tongue-in-cheek...not a total misunderstanding of whats at work here. I'm sorry, but how long does one have to be a member to comment and who do they contact to ask what to say [other than the standing rules of the site]? Appears most comments are for the sake of commenting, not to specifically downgrade any one thought or person.

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Gee....I didn't get that from these posts...thought the fad comment was tongue-in-cheek...not a total misunderstanding of whats at work here. ....


You are exactly correct.

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Gee....I didn't get that from these posts...thought the fad comment was tongue-in-cheek...not a total misunderstanding of whats at work here. I'm sorry, but how long does one have to be a member to comment and who do they contact to ask what to say [other than the standing rules of the site]?


You're good to go--the cutoff is four weeks, so post away. grin.gif

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Paul Mihalka

Well, I can't imagine to stop riding of my own volition. It is the only addiction I have. I am now three month into not riding for my stupid leg that broke, and have serious withdrawal symptoms. I don't know what will stop me first, physical or mental disability. If it is a progressive physical deterioration, I may "progress" to something like a Suzuki Burgman. Right now my mental aspect, like reaction time, awareness of action around me, judgment of traffic situation, is still pretty good. Problem with mental deterioration is that the affected person usually does not realize it. I try to watch myself very closely and too many "Oh sh*t, I almost did not see that" would be a warning.

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wRONG sIDE of bed today, David?? eh?? grin.gif


Nah--just tired of mindlessness. Sam (and others) have been a part of the site for a long time, and the decision wasn't easy for them. To make light of it strikes me as some of the daily dribble that seems only to affect the internet.


I'm good. Just doing my mixed impersonation of Gregory House and Simon Cowell. smile.gif

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Why I can't see myself giving up riding, I certainly have a lot of respect for those that make the decision to do so, when it is likely a very painful one.


Then to be willing to post their thoughts as to why on a public form takes it one step further down the road of honorably.

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wRONG sIDE of bed today, David?? eh?? grin.gif




Or, like me, wrong side of the ceiling?

I know, I'm bad.

Going to my room now.

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wRONG sIDE of bed today, David?? eh?? grin.gif


Nah--just tired of mindlessness. Sam (and others) have been a part of the site for a long time, and the decision wasn't easy for them. To make light of it strikes me as some of the daily dribble that seems only to affect the internet.


I'm good. Just doing my mixed impersonation of Gregory House and Simon Cowell. smile.gif

Looking past the OP's choice of delivery in search of the underlying motivation, I believe I see, and share, his point. Here's an excerpt of a PM I just sent to a good friend on this board on this very topic, before I saw this thread...


"I'm not going anywhere, and a pox on anyone who does. I understand the sentiments of those who feel that this has become a different place, particularly from the perspective of the longer-term members. What I won't accept is [these goodbye threads], which seems to predicate that a waning interest in riding correlates to a waning interest in established friendships. By all means, pursue interests that are fulfilling, and we all know that life ebbs and flows, but stop with the anthem goodbye's - it's diminishing.


Yes, the Grape is gone, but I'll replace it with another version someday. Yes, my post count has slowed, and it's because the aura of new discovery has gone stale. My interest in motorcycling wasn't to join an affinity group, it was to inquire that if left to my own devices away from the din of work and worldly obligations, was there joy still to be found in temporary solitude. The board simply affirmed that I was not alone in this pursuit, and there existed like-minded individuals out there emminently worthy of being true friends. It has almost nothing to do with motorcycling."


And there you have it. +1. smirk.gif

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Dang right you'll replace it.

I will NOT have my last riding image of you being that GrapeApeblitzbystraffe in rural Georgeuh. grin.gif


Beth says, "hey." Or would if'n she was here. wave.gif

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I also broke my leg in 2006. It cut into my riding for a while, but really cut into my 'vice' line. It was broken during a bachelor party when attempting to sit on a kitchen stool. I didn't fall off the stool, because I never made it on to the stool...the stool and I slid across the kitchen, through the doorway --- broken leg. Of course, I was only trying to keep with the late twenty something attendees as one of the invited "older" friends [60-year old fathers]. May be just a little too much rum? When I use the cycling is my only vice comment now, my wife interjects this episode into the conversation. Hope you have better luck holding on to the line.

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...I am now three month into not riding for my stupid leg that broke, and have serious withdrawal symptoms...


I hope you are back in the saddle soon, Paul.


I got a chuckle out of the way you worded this: "...my stupid leg that broke..." I've heard people say they broke their leg or they broke their arm, but I don't think I ever heard anyone put the blame on the appendage! grin.gif


Just giving you a hard time. wave.gif

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I may "progress" to something like a Suzuki Burgman.


Drop those quotation marks, pal, and you can join the enlightened.

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Hello, my name is John. I am not selling my bike nor am I giving up motorcycling. It has been eight hours since my most recent ride and it won't be my last.


The responses to the OP have been interesting and create a desire in me to buy another motorcycle and ride more and log on less. I think that I see a GS in my future....and some chili!!! dopeslap.gif

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Let's not bash those who are moving on. grin.gif


Certian cirsumstances in life could lead any of us to stop doing something we love. The reason why nobody wants to hear that these riders are giving up their passion is because everyone knows that it might happen to them one day and that's a hard pill to swallow. frown.gif

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I'll bet that the vast majority of riders here have had an extended layoff period in their life. Mine was about 17 years. Much longer and I doubt I'd have had the desire/ percieved ability to return.


I also realize, that I will quit riding again one day.

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I'll bet that the vast majority of riders here have had an extended layoff period in their life. Mine was about 17 years. Much longer and I doubt I'd have had the desire/ percieved ability to return.


I also realize, that I will quit riding again one day.


Thank God I am not part of the "vast majority"


31 years steady. I'll give up riding someday too. It will be the same day my corpse starts rotting.

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I have always found thru my riding years that most group riders,who ride when their buddies ride and only when their buddies ride, are apt to come and go at a moments notice that the group is into something else. I am not saying that it is not good to ride with friends, I do myself on occasion, but not the norm. I have also found that most who ride alone to satisfy their own needs of the thrills and serenity of motorcycling usually ride till a very ripe old age and only give it up when they can no longer swing that leg over the bike. My family will have to pry and or cut my fingers off my grips. When I stradel my bike and start that engine and that face shield flips down, I'm a young man again.

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I have always found thru my riding years that most group riders,who ride when their buddies ride and only when their buddies ride, are apt to come and go at a moments notice that the group is into something else. I am not saying that it is not good to ride with friends, I do myself on occasion, but not the norm. I have also found that most who ride alone to satisfy their own needs of the thrills and serenity of motorcycling usually ride till a very ripe old age and only give it up when they can no longer swing that leg over the bike. My family will have to pry and or cut my fingers off my grips. When I stradel my bike and start that engine and that face shield flips down, I'm a young man again.


+1 thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

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