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Continuing Motorcycle Education


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I have an opportunity to ask for money from the state (grant) for motorcycle safety. My idea is to get about 15k and advertise "free" experience ride course. The DOT of Florida and my department would be sponsors. We would advertise the course and hand out t-shirt. Run a class about one month for a year.


Good idea???


What other ideas are out there about motorcycle safety that you wish a state would implement???

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I like the idea, and would participate if able.


Maybe a definsive riding course. Generally I let jerks go on, but it is different with grey hairs. Yesterday, we were about run over by 2 different grey hairs in Daytona (they don't belong there this time of year). eerrrrrrr! eek.gifeek.gif

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but it is different with grey hairs. Yesterday, we were about run over by 2 different grey hairs in Daytona (they don't belong there this time of year). eerrrrrrr! eek.gifeek.gif


Grey hairs??? Don'tcha mean bluehairs?? lmao.gif

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Free? I know a bunch of cheap BMW Riders of Tampa Bay who would love to ride up to Tallahassee for some excellent riding instruction. wave.gif

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John, I like the idea and would certainly participate, schedule permitting.



It could well be that the "blue hairs" actually live there and you are just visiting?


Perhaps the course John is proposing should include some situational awareness training?

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Could you set up a permanent layout in a parking lot? Sort of like the skateboard parks only for motorcycles? Maybe in a megaChurch overflow lot. That way people could practice when they had time and make it a destination when riding with friends. Instruction would be from peers which is not so good, but the $15k could last years and affect more people. Also, no reason instructors couldn't show up.


I think the informal setting would draw a lot of people. Every area has a place where bikers gather near a favorite road every weekend to show off their skills and their bikes. A "Ride well Park" could be that place.

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Could you set up a permanent layout in a parking lot? Sort of like the skateboard parks only for motorcycles? Maybe in a megaChurch overflow lot. That way people could practice when they had time and make it a destination when riding with friends. Instruction would be from peers which is not so good, but the $15k could last years and affect more people. Also, no reason instructors couldn't show up.


I think the informal setting would draw a lot of people. Every area has a place where bikers gather near a favorite road every weekend to show off their skills and their bikes. A "Ride well Park" could be that place.


Couple of issues with that. First if you want to use a private parking lot, you are going to have insurance to cover if someone gets hurt or damages property. MSF as their own insurance and they already have ranges. Do not understand about "instructors can show up", meaning this park would be open to anyone??? Without an instructor????

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Yeah baby, we need it! Maybe have an emphasis on slow speed stuff and as Ed suggested, situation awareness. A good exercise would be an expanded offset. Would teach the head snap and set up that every rider needs.


Great idea John!thumbsup.gif

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Couple of issues with that. First if you want to use a private parking lot, you are going to have insurance to cover if someone gets hurt or damages property. MSF as their own insurance and they already have ranges. Do not understand about "instructors can show up", meaning this park would be open to anyone??? Without an instructor????


Exactly. Insurance would, of course, be the rub. How do the skateboard/ rollerskate parks do it? I just remember while I was taking the MSF course that several former students showed up during lunch to go through whatever was set up just for practice. I know I'd like to have a place to informally practice, say on my way home after a Sunday ride or a side-trip while running errands or getting lunch. I think you would end up with a group of guys who practiced all the time and competed with each other that would love to help others. Not as good as a formal instruction, but you'd reach a much larger group. Most everyone around here has taken the MSF course to get their license so the set-ups would be familiar.

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You may want to check on county facilities...

I know that our club has used some county LEO training facility lots for doing ERC etc. Bernie, you've been a member longer than I have, do you know what they get from St. Johns County?

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I have an opportunity to ask for money from the state (grant) for motorcycle safety. My idea is to get about 15k and advertise "free" experience ride course.


Can you 'target' the training (or whatever) at the most likely candidates for crashing?


Over here [uK}, most fatals are cornering loss of control, or overtaking, and bike fatals are mostly the rider's fault.


Unfortunately, the most likely people to turn up for training are those who may not really need it, and the ones who need the increased skillset you can offer may only take the 'performance' aspects away without increasin self restraint & 'what if?' etc.


Not intending to sound negative - just that I guess the funding has been awarded as there's a problem to solve?

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Reloading while riding a motorcycle?

Riding on one wheel so red light cameras can't read license plate?

How to park next to an LT w/out dumping your bike?



Several years ago I participated in this program (free ERC) and found it beneficial.

Shortly thereafter an SUV turning right crossed 5 lanes and turned left as I entered an intersection. I think the swerve practice kept me in one piece.

Sounds like a winner. thumbsup.gif

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In some countries here the government sponsored (and ran) public ad campaigns aimed at increasing the awareness of cagers for motorcyclists.

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The only suggestion that I would make is to not make it free since price does have a rationing function. A nominal fee would eliminate the folks who aren't particularly serious but will take up a place that could have been used by someone who really wants to learn. Anyone who is serious about Continuing Motorcycle Education isn't going to be detered by a small fee. The proceeds from the fee could be used to expand or extend the program...or lunch grin.gif


Great idea overall, best of luck with it.

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I talked to the sergeant in charge of the North Carolina BikeSafe. I attempting to get more information to bring this back to my department. It is not a "training" class but mere an assessment of your riding. You are followed by a motorcop and he observes your riding. Will see what happens. Still getting information.

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I talked to the sergeant in charge of the North Carolina BikeSafe. I attempting to get more information to bring this back to my department. It is not a "training" class but mere an assessment of your riding. You are followed by a motorcop and he observes your riding. Will see what happens. Still getting information.


Does this qualify as pursuit?


Sounds like you need to include a video camera in the grant. thumbsup.gif

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I talked to the sergeant in charge of the North Carolina BikeSafe. I attempting to get more information to bring this back to my department. It is not a "training" class but mere an assessment of your riding. You are followed by a motorcop and he observes your riding. Will see what happens. Still getting information.


Does this qualify as pursuit?


Sounds like you need to include a video camera in the grant. thumbsup.gif


This what I am trying to do, if all possible.



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You may want to check on county facilities...

I know that our club has used some county LEO training facility lots for doing ERC etc. Bernie, you've been a member longer than I have, do you know what they get from St. Johns County?


Site location is not a problem here in my neck of the woods.

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I talked to the sergeant in charge of the North Carolina BikeSafe. I attempting to get more information to bring this back to my department. It is not a "training" class but mere an assessment of your riding. You are followed by a motorcop and he observes your riding. Will see what happens. Still getting information.


Does this qualify as pursuit?


Sounds like you need to include a video camera in the grant. thumbsup.gif


This what I am trying to do, if all possible.




Having taken part in a UK Bikesafe scheme as an observed rider, I can vouch for how very useful this type of exersize is. I learnt a heck of a lot, once I got used to a police bike in my mirrors all the time.


One of our UK members, Martyn, is a police motorcylist who has had experience of the police side of BikeSafe. It is probaby worth dropping him a PM.



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On the surface, this is an excellent idea.


HOWEVER, I'm suspicious of guvment involvement. Usually, when they "grant" money, they want to tell you how to use it. Or at least "monitor" your program. This is never good.


On the other hand, if you're sure have free license to conduct the courses, by all means go for it. thumbsup.gif

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I read about that some where. It sounds similar to Ride Smart class, except it is in a large lot and not in the mountains. John, if you do something like that, MSF would not get involved and you can custom tailor the program for different type of riders. The next step after the ERC class.

I like it, count me in.

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When I posted this I only had one idea, which was grant money and doing the ERCs.


I got a responce back on another site about BikeSafe. Yesterday, made a few phone calls, and I believe that I could sell this idea to the department.


So, if BikeSafe happens, I will not need the grant funding, it would be free, that the department sponsers. It I do the ERCs with grant moneys I would have to follow rules, which is understanding.


I thought about RideSmart, but it would be harder to sell to the department, vs BikeSafe, which already has a program started in the UK and NC. I would still like to become an instructor with RideSmart, to keep my mind open with new ideas.

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sending pm...couple of tally political types (the ones clogging the streets now) are very good friends. i'd be happy to fwd any paperwork you have and see if maybe you could get a push here or there.


my friends include the next senate president!

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Good deal Brian!


John, we have a few folks in the house that we can call on too. Hey Brian, wanna make a trip to tally for lunch?

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Don't let grant monitoring put you off from the idea.


All they can say is yes,





or no.

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sending pm...couple of tally political types (the ones clogging the streets now) are very good friends. i'd be happy to fwd any paperwork you have and see if maybe you could get a push here or there.


my friends include the next senate president!



Thanks, Brian- While let you know if I need the extra push.

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I think either course would be a great improvement over the ERC course. I think they would be the next step, like a Super-ERC. smile.gifclap.gifclap.gif

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I am sure this is not going to take over night, but I am working on it. I am working on the letter to get more information about the school in North Carolina, ie how to become an instructor. I will then pass this on to my bosses. If they ok it will attempt to get in the school and become an instructor. If all goes well offer this school. Maybe my first one, to get other motors certified, I could have some guinea pigs students????????

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Any progress? We need a reason for Matt and Brian to come to town!!



Not feeling the love! bncry.gifbncry.gifbncry.gif


You've already told me you'll be comin over in the near future for work, so there! wave.gif

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I could have some guinea pigs students????????

Sign me up, and I am sure I can find some poor, unsuspecting souls around here. wave.gif

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