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Grip Puppie Installation Question


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Ok, I got the basics installation figured out, just soap em up and slid them on. The question is do the Grip Puppies need to be trimmed in length first? They look a bit long to fit over the stock handgrips.


Surely someone here on the board has the "exact" measurements for something as complicated and technically challenging as this wink.gif

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If you use soap it will take forever to dry and those puppies will slide around for a week. Use something like hairspray. I think I used carb cleaner because I'm bald and have no hairspray. It was a long time ago...


I put mine on, let them get dried in place, then trimmed the ends with a very sharp razor knife at a slight angle so the ends look chamfered.


If you cut them then slide them on they'll be too short.

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Don't cut them. They fit better if you just stick them on. I measured and cut the first one I stuck on. I quickly realized I should have just left it whole. The other side I stuck on without cutting and I was much more pleased with the results.


And I used Windex, not soap......worked like a charm

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I'm with Keith, I left them whole. I used a drop of dish soap and warm water and slid them on. I let the sit over night and voila, they were done.

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I'm with Keith, I left them whole. I used a drop of dish soap and warm water and slid them on. I let the sit over night and voila, they were done.



+1 thumbsup.gif That's the way to go.

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How warm should the water be? I have a well, and there seems to be a high sulphur content - will this matter, or should I use bottled water? Is Perrier okay? I am kind of worried about all the fizzie stuff in it. The soap - is Dawn a good choice, or should I use the liquid hand soap? The hand soap has lanolin in it I think, but the Dawn has more grease fighters, and may handle any oil residue from my hands (I sometimes sweat a lot, and I have a tendency to hold the bars a little too tightly). Does it matter if the bike is still warm from a ride? Should I put the grips out in the sun, or should they go into the freezer? So many questions - I think we should have a tech day so I can get the best technique worked out...






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When installing or removing grips on a bike I find that using the air compressor and a extension needle makes the job easier. Give it a blast of air as you push or pull on the grip and it moves more easily. No messy hair spray aerosols either.

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+1 on Windex.


Put them on yesterday and went riding today.


I love Windex grin.gif.......its almost up there with duct tape when it comes to uses. I also use it for mounting and dismounting tires. Works like a charm.

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I love Windex
I can't hardly think of Windex without thinking of "Muriel's Wedding"!


Guess I missed that one


"My Big Fat Greek Wedding"

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I love Windex
I can't hardly think of Windex without thinking of "Muriel's Wedding"!


Guess I missed that one


"My Big Fat Greek Wedding"


Oh yeah....in that case.....I wish I would have missed that one


I'm not getting that 2 hours back

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Oops your right, wrong movie.


Short reason for saying this - In the movie the main character's father uses Windex to fix everything. From loose or tight mechanical things to medical ailments. E.g. - Spray it on your sore foot or most anything.

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Hey, I like the Grip Puppies, and the price. I think these would work well with larger hands. Is there any problem with heated grips? I.E. do they affect the grip heating?



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Hey, I like the Grip Puppies, and the price. I think these would work well with larger hands. Is there any problem with heated grips? I.E. do they affect the grip heating?




It doesn't effect the heated grips at all as far as I can tell. I ride all the time in sub 40 degree weather and the heat goes right through them. My main reason for getting the grip puppies was because I always felt that the grips were not thick enough, and my hands would start to cramp up after a an hour or so.


The only thing I'm not thrilled about with them is that the tend to act a bit like a sponge when it is raining. Its not so much a problem if you are on the bike and get caught in the rain, but it sucks when a mid-day rain storm comes through and I go out to the parking lot after work to find soggy grips.

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Hey, I like the Grip Puppies, and the price. I think these would work well with larger hands. Is there any problem with heated grips? I.E. do they affect the grip heating?




I put them on my VSTROM because the heated grips I put on the bike get too hot, even on the low setting and these helped to moderate the heat some.

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I used hairspray (pump applicator) to install my grip puppies. Thorougly wet the o.d. of the existing grips and the i.d. of the grip puppies. Install with slight twisting motion.

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