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Changing Right Side Low Beam Headlight Bulb?


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I noticed the right side low beam bulb went out on Friday while I was on a trip after almost 3 years. From previous posts I hear the right side is a real pain to change. For those who have changed this part do you recommend removing the right side panel to install this new bulb? Thanks in advance for your response.

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When I replaced mine, I removed the outer side panel. Makes the job much easier and will most likely save you time.

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I just took a look at it and thought that would be the best procedure based on where it is located. The high beam and left side can be changed without side panel removal but the right side looks like a whole different ballgame. Thanks for your prompt response. Have a great day!


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When I did my right side I took off the following

right side panel,

Wind screen,


Instrment panel,

I just had room for my hand to get in there. that spot is

not designed well.

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I did it without removing any panels (I mean what would you do if you were on the road?). I did, however, practise with one of the other bulbs first. I also have relatively small hands, which makes it a bit easier too. All that said, it was a major PITA, and I took a few breaks, lest I lose my temper.

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changed my rights side lowbeam on a BRP overlook on the way to El P one year. Didn't remove anything, but it is essentially a blind operation and you have to do it by feel, took about 20 minutes.

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did it without removing any panels (I mean what would you do if you were on the road?).

I was on the road when I replaced mine... Removing the panel was quick and simplified access substantially (I still invented a few new words eek.giftongue.gif)

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did it without removing any panels (I mean what would you do if you were on the road?).

I was on the road when I replaced mine... Removing the panel was quick and simplified access substantially (I still invented a few new words eek.giftongue.gif)


You obviously have more patience (and know-how) that I do. I'd be at it for two days.

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I have done mine a couple of times now (updated bulbs), the right side is harder but I did not remove panels, try coming up from under instead of from the side, worked for me.

Ian thumbsup.gif

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Thanks for your replies and I am here to say and confirm that it is definitely a PITA to replace this bulb. I did remove the side panel (thanks Michael). Here is my sequence for replacement that may help somebody down the road. Remove right side panel and then plastic cover, unplug electrical connection, and release the wires that hold the bulb in place and push them up and out of the way. Then with a long needle nose plier grab one of the flat spade connectors on the back of the bulb and insert the bulb into the hole, if necessary hold the bulb in place with a long screwdriver (this really helped me), re-attach wires that hold bulb into place, re-attach electric plug, put the cover back on along with the side panel and you are done.

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Opinions, opinions. Well, I still have small scabs on my hands replacing all three bulbs. The problems are compounded by working in a small area and having to 'feel' your way not only with the removal but the install.

1. Right bulb: Took one hour, invented many new vulgarities. Absolutely convinced it could not be done by a human. Threatened to take up model-railroading!

2. Center bulb: Took 15 minutes, starting to get the 'feel' for the nasty little clips without seeing them

3. Left bulb: 30-seconds. Wow, this is easy!

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I am right there with you John. 5 small cuts on my left hand.


Mark, I was lucky in the bulb blowing dept. My left bulb went first followed by the high beam and last but not least the right side. Well it is done and I am glad. Later guys.

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Question. If one of the low beams burns out do you just replace the other one at the same time?


I would think that would be wise. IMHO

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Question. If one of the low beams burns out do you just replace the other one at the same time?


I would think that would be wise. IMHO


I did. When the right went, I replaced the left one first as practice before tacking the right side. It does help you get a feel since you're doing it all blind.

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I changed bulbs a few times on RT's. At this stage I find it no problem. When I got my own RT I had a small mirror which I attached to a discarded telescopic antenna. I was able to get it between the forks and get a view of the lamps close up. It gave a "feel" for the layout of the retaining clips. Most bulb holders are secured the same way.

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Without removing anything, I changed all three bulbs (to Philips Crystal Vision Plus. In the RT's reflectors, these bulbs burn white) in less than 30 minutes by snaking my right hand around in front of the handlebars and under the IP, from the left side of the bike. I did have to unplug the harness connector that goes between the high beam and the right low beam, though. My hands are not small (I can palm a basketball) and my thumbs aren't as limber as they once were, but it just didn't seem that bad of a deal to me...

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The left side bulb went first and that was over a year ago. I see no prudent reason to change a bulb that is working. Now I would recommend when one bulb goes out buy at least two replacements. I did this and sure enough the high beam was next to go and that was about 6-8 months after left side low beam went out. It sure was nice to grab the spare bulb out of the cabinet in the garage and install it vs. making another trip to the store.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Keith, I couldn't see how the wire were hooked that were holding the bulb in, and didn't know how to get it unhooked, you saved my day with your description on how you did it.


Man that was a bitch, glad it's done!!!


Thanks again Keith, thumbsup.gif



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Hi Bob

How is it going? I am glad my instructions helped you. It is a pain to figure out how to unhook and move the wire clasps out of the way when you have never done it and cannot see them. Did the right side bulb go out on you too? Have a great day.


P.S. We need to get together for a ride.

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