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Camp 18 - Not Just A Restaurant


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I took a short 100 mile ride this morning for breakfast. Camp 18 was an old logging mill before its conversion to a large family restaurant and gift shop. Located on Hwy 26 just 10 miles from Seaside, OR it's situated in the middle of nowhere yet always manages to be packed with people on weekends. It took me seconds to be seated in my favorite loft dining room on the upper floor. The food & service are always great there.


After breakfast the fun really begins with hiking trails surrounding the facility that contain all the old machinery, water tower & huge remnants of trees the size of a semi truck. There are plenty of photo opportunities to keep you busy for hours. The area is also a central point for great motorcycle roads such as Highway 53 to the south of Tillamook, OR, Highway 47 that twists through Vernonia, OR before ending on Highway 30 that travels west to Astoria, OR or East to Portland, OR.


I suppose all this justifies a 100 mile ride, round trip, for breakfast. I've done it often and feel that if you're in the area it's a must visit.







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It's on my to do list Bob, thanks.


My son Andrew confirms your opinion of the food, he says the burgers are good too.

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Hey! I've been there...it is a fun place. BTW, you never need to justify a 100 mile ride! clap.gif


Steve in So Cal

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I used to live in Rock Creek off the 185th Exit on Hiway 26. Used to eat at Camp 18 everytime I went to the coast. AWESOME!


Too muck rain in the PACNW for this Arizona boy...had to come home.

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I spent 13 years in SC before OR. It rains there 10 times harder and longer. We used to call SC thunderstorms "frog stranglers". Here, in the Portland area it just pisses on ya all the time. No real hard rain, no thunderstorma.

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