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Passin' gas w/o the smell..................???


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I couldn't believe what I was reading this morning.........

in the header of the B Section of our Seattle Post Intelligencer it talks about a NEW PRODUCT LAUNCH....


It turns out that some company has come up with an activated carbon fabric with glue strips that get attached to ones "undergarments"!! It's purpose?? "To block the wafting odor of the human flatulance."


"Subtle Butt" lmao.giflmao.gif shields are disposable and can be bought in a 5-pack for $9.95 when they are expected to become available next month at this web page . There is a hilarious video from them here as well. so you don't want to be eating or drinking anything when you're watching........ lmao.giflmao.giflmao.giflmao.gif



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It's probably better than a catalytic converter which could pose a fire hazard in ones shorts! tongue.gif


There went the coffee!!!!! lmao.giflmao.giflmao.gif

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Dave McReynolds

I'm into bowhunting, and for years some hunting clothes have been advertised as locking-in human scent, and sold for quite a bit more than those that don't, obviously. Well recently, extensive tests have been done that prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that the scent-lock hunting clothes, which I assume have the same carbon filtering as in the underwear, does not work. One of the tests they did to the material was to f**t through it, and the lack of effectiveness was evident to all concerned. It could even be that the scoundrels who made the hunting clothes are now fleeing to another venue, and plan to take advantage of the unsuspecting public concerned (overly concerned in my view) about their own natural emmisions.


Are we going to be left with nothing to believe in? First, Vytorin is found to be useless as an anti-cholesterol medicine, and now, scent-lock hunting clothes that don't block scent. Will the next revelation be that Viagra is nothing more than a big placebo (not to be confused with dildo) effect?

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I get compalaints when the stitch is zipped up all the way or when I have to don the rain gear. Sometimes I flat revolt myself. I hate when that happens.

I was going to recycle my fuel canister with a catherer of sorts...Nah! dopeslap.gif

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That's dumb. An Odor-Eater and some duct-tape will do the same thing.






(nothing like squirting soda through your nose to clear up your sinuses grin.gif)

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