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My brother Gleno . . . one year gone


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For the life of me, I can't believe it's been a whole year . . . .


I still am haunted by his smile looking back at me from my desktop . . . and I sorely missed his bear-hugs at the MLK Death Valley Ride.


For those of you newbies who never had the pleasure and indeed the supreme honor of having met our brother Gleno, know that he would have been the first to welcome you to our family with a wise-crack and a hearty handshake. We all are just trying to fill in the void he left behind.


You can get a small sense of the man's heart and his incredible impact on our moto-family here. (clicky)


Ride well, my brother.


May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind be always at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face;

the rains fall soft upon your fields after you've parked your bike for the day,

and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.


I miss him SO much . . . . bncry.gif

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Dear Jamie,


There are so few words that can provide comfort for somebody so dearly missed.

I wish you strength and condolences in the fine and loving memory you will forever keep of your brother.



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i'VE bEEN pointing towards this day ever since New Year's day...it seems like it came early.

We're snowed in today too...fitting so I can remember at my leisure the man and his family.


There is still a part of me that is numb. Truly not believing that he has moved on. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of his wit and his love and his huge heart and how he shaped me.


God is good to leave such an imprint on so many.


Blessings on the family and in his memory to us remaining.

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I've also been counting down to this day. I've got a shot of Tequila with his name on it later. I still miss him like it was yesterday when I last saw him. bncry.gif


It was an honor to be a part of his Memorial ride last weekend. As soon as I can get the pics off the camera I'll post em up for those that wanted to be there but couldn't.

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Although I barely knew him, hardly a day has gone by in the past year that I haven't thought of him and been reminded what a gift a life can be. Peace to all, including those who are gone but not forgotten.

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Thanks for the post Jamie. I met Gleno at DVD last year, and his absence this year was acute.


I've got a shot of Tequila with his name on it later.


I'll join you in that, Brian. Look forward to the ride photos when you can.

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I've also been counting down to this day. I've got a shot of Tequila with his name on it later. I still miss him like it was yesterday when I last saw him. bncry.gif


It was an honor to be a part of his Memorial ride last weekend. As soon as I can get the pics off the camera I'll post em up for those that wanted to be there but couldn't.


I couldn't make the Memorial Ride, but I will see Glen on my way to and from Torrey. 911813-Headstonereduced.JPG


And I'll have tears, as I always do when I think of what we all lost. But I also hold back a smile, for when the tears are gone and I can recall all that we gained and shared by knowing him.


Here he is ready to serve up some lip, and some tri-tip. 18288055-M.jpg


Brian, interstingly I've also got some Tequila for later. I got a bottle of Patrone for Christmas. I told Penny that I was going to save it for February. She said, "for the 6th or the 18th?" The latter is my birthday.


Funny, I hadn't even considered the 18th.

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I miss him SO much . . . .


I truly believe that anyone who knew him, even a little bit, misses him. How could you not? smirk.gif He brought to light the phrase, "to know him is to love him"; and so many did.


There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of his wit and his love and his huge heart and how he shaped me.


I have though of him so often over this past year. I still have his pm's saved and read them over again, secretly hoping I will get another one from him one day. bncry.gif It's still hard to believe he is gone.

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Thanks Jamie. I just met him once, but he rearranged things to help me out on his wedding anniversary! Class act, all the way. bncry.gif

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I truly believe that anyone who knew him, even a little bit, misses him. How could you not? He brought to light the phrase, "to know him is to love him"; and so many did.


Exactly. The man had such a huge aura it was impossible to not feel it.


Glen went out of his way to find Lori and me at DVD.

He went to the front desk as said "I'm looking for Tony K. I don't know his last name but what room is he in!"


When they finally figured out what room I was in he called us up and said

Kickstands up at 11 am, be there!


You bet we were there and we got to spend the whole day with him and the boys.


Yeah he was a AWSOME man.

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Rest in peace, brother.


Next time I'm out, I'll loft the front wheel or fill a gas station bay with burnout smoke in your honor.

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Rest in peace, brother.


Next time I'm out, I'll loft the front wheel or fill a gas station bay with burnout smoke in your honor.

I'm sure he'd like that better than the shot of Patron I held up in his honor. But I'm skeeert to loft the BMW front wheel on purpose. lmao.gif
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I am still stunned at how much my life changed that day.


My "Do you remember what you were doing when...." moment. In my (almost) 43 short years there has only been these that became one of those moments:

Elvis' death

Lady Di's death

My grandfather's death

The Columbine shooting

The L.A. bank robber high-powered shootout


and the morning I learned about my friend.


The nice thing, he is even closer. Because he is always just a thought away.

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I'm with Lisa. I just don't really have words for it. February 6 was merely the start of what was, in no uncertain terms, the worst year of my life. I have to confess that I've almost been looking forward to yesterday so that I could put that year behind me. I still have almost no interest in riding, whatsoever, other than as a convenient way to slip through traffic, yet I miss it terribly. I doubt there's a day that's gone by without at least a quick thought of him, usually accompanied by a smile, at least on the inside. I'd sure rather have a big ol' belly laugh with the man himself, though.

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The nice thing, he is even closer. Because he is always just a thought away.


Well put....thanx, Paul. You'll always be there bro......

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I only met him the one time at Torrey and through his witty if unconventioal posts but that was enough for me to realize he was one of those rare larger than life kind of people. His death is an absolute constant reminder to me of something I've known for quite some time and that is that life here is fragile and temporary and that none of us are guaranteed another day..And I am reminded that if Gleno can be taken from us the way he was it can absolutely happen to any of us at any time and that is one more thing I am absolutely sure of.

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And I am reminded that if Gleno can be taken from us the way he was it can absolutely happen to any of us at any time and that is one more thing I am absolutely sure of.


This sums up my feelings as well. I am still shocked that we lost Gleno, but I am more shocked that we lost him while he was riding. Given the level of skill and experience he had, I would have bet the farm that he would leave this world in any circumstance but on a motorcycle. But if the cagers can get to him, then all of us are quite vulnerable.


Gleno was a class act to say the least. His posts would just crack me up, like the revenge plot he was building against his neighbor for backing into his bike. Of course it was all in sick humor, but that was Gleno for ya -- sick and funny!


Our loss. He is quite comfortable and comforted where he is now. He is at peace and it is for us that he weeps now.

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I have been away from the board for a couple of days on and off, but still thinking about "bro" in my own way. I went back and looked at one of the blogs I posted that day I found out, the day things seemed like everything changed forever.


Keep in mind that this was aimed at a non-riding crowd and by "his actions" I mean only riding in general... Most of my other internet friends that are not on this board really don't understand why we do this. Here is a small snippet from that day....


"I have been sitting at my desk all morning mostly in tears trying to absorb this. All the riders I know and love, ride daily with full knowledge of the risks we add to our lives by indulging in this passion we share. I am not going to try to justify his actions by giving anyone a sermon about living life to the fullest. I just hurt..... and wanted to vent.


I don't really know what to else to say .... As Gleno used to say......Fishizzle....


Adios my friend....see you on the other side with a full tank of gas and fresh tires... "


I have re-read that post so many times now. It still hurts, I still shed tears...even now...right now. I miss you bro, and always will... bncry.gif



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