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Any Fire Guys/Gals riding to San Diego this week??


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Someone should ask how CDF or Cal Fire feel about the proposed new budget.


Best of luck with that.

Yeah, it's a poser for sure. CalFire came in to our unincorporated areas in San Diego County and low-bid for many contracts in the Wildland Urban Interface areas (where all the Firestorms start) after the County Board of Supervisors washed their hands of Fire Protection back in the 1970's passing the responsibility to the local jurisdictions. Now those chickens are coming home to roost. If Prop 92 passes it will mean even more money out of the General Fund to pay for that (otherwise) unfunded mandate. With no offense intended to our CalFire brethren, the demise of CalFire locally might just be the impetus that San Diego County needs to regain control and responsibility for providing a workable Fire Protection system down here.


I haven't seen the election results yet, but it might be time to put in an application with the Community College system. tongue.gif

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