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Greatness, Perfection, Immortality, Heroism . . .


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I am pretty well convinced that I've officially entered the ranks of the fuddy-duddies. As I watched a very well played football game last night, I found myself increasingly irked by the relentless blather. "Perfection." Hmmm. "Immortality." Okay, check back with me in 100 years. "Heroism." Well, not really, as compared to at least a hundred men and women I've known.


Excellent entertainment. Tremendously skilled athletes. High production values. I'll grant you all of that. But . . . puh-leeze . . . the hype has moved into a realm far beyond reason.


And don't even get me started on the "Fox Sports Network/NFL, Inc. Tribute to the Declaration of Independence."


Someone needs to grab these people by the scruff of the neck, push them to the ground, and make them eat dirt.




Gosh, that makes me feel a lot better. eek.gif

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Man, do you really want to start sounding like a gentle Russell? tongue.gif That last statement, well, it sounds like him.


Well, at least I didn't advocate kicking anyone in the groin. So, I've got that goin' for me.

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Joe Frickin' Friday
Man, do you really want to start sounding like a gentle Russell? tongue.gif That last statement, well, it sounds like him.


The battle cry a few years ago, IIRC, was "those people need to be taken out and shot." lmao.gif

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And don't even get me started on the "Fox Sports Network/NFL, Inc. Tribute to the Declaration of Independence."



Ok.... Mike turn your key to the start position....I saw nothing wrong with the "Declaration Tribute" in the context for which it was used.....

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The blather is always appalling, makes John Madden seem like a perfectly immortal genius...


I recorded the thing and started watching an hour after kick off, was caught up by the start of the 4th quarter. The only commercial I can remember is the Taco Bell one where two people in an office are made to sit down to eat, it was so bad I had to get up and leave the room.


Right at the end of the game a friend called who was watching, he was watching on cable and I on satellite, his feed was somewhere between 5 and 10 seconds ahead of mine which meant he could torture me, I hung up on him.

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I'm sure Russell would chime in here, but he probably read the first few sentences, figured out Mike was talking about football, muttered something about kicking him in the groin, and moved on. grin.gif



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And don't even get me started on the "Fox Sports Network/NFL, Inc. Tribute to the Declaration of Independence."



Ok.... Mike turn your key to the start position....I saw nothing wrong with the "Declaration Tribute" in the context for which it was used.....


I think it was great to combine the imagery of the creation of the Declaration with a tribute to those who defend our freedoms. Now, if they could have just had the ever-so-subtle restraint to avoid juxtaposing that with the self-congratulatory "sponsorship" of that tribute . . .


And please, I'd appreciate it if you'd refrain from pointing out any inconsistencies in my rant. tongue.gif

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Man, do you really want to start sounding like a gentle Russell? tongue.gif That last statement, well, it sounds like him.


The battle cry a few years ago, IIRC, was "those people need to be taken out and shot." lmao.gif


Yeah...now it's "those people need a swift kick in the groin." What can I say...I'm mellowing in my old age.



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I think it was great to combine the imagery of the creation of the Declaration with a tribute to those who defend our freedoms. Now, if they could have just had the ever-so-subtle restraint to avoid juxtaposing that with the self-congratulatory "sponsorship" of that tribute . . .



I have no problem with your now defined statement...



And please, I'd appreciate it if you'd refrain from pointing out any inconsistencies in my rant.


I seek nor did I find any problems with your inconsistencies..... lmao.gifthumbsup.gif

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The blather is always appalling, makes John Madden seem like a perfectly immortal genius...


I recorded the thing and started watching an hour after kick off, was caught up by the start of the 4th quarter. The only commercial I can remember is the Taco Bell one where two people in an office are made to sit down to eat, it was so bad I had to get up and leave the room.


Right at the end of the game a friend called who was watching, he was watching on cable and I on satellite, his feed was somewhere between 5 and 10 seconds ahead of mine which meant he could torture me, I hung up on him.


If your friends torture you, I'm wondering what your enemies do eek.gif!

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I think he sounds more like Lewis Black than Russell, but uh, I couldn't agree with him more. Don't get me wrong, I think it may have been the best Super Bowl ever, but that Declaration of Independence bit at the beginning was about as satisfying as dipping a Dorito into a loaded diaper -- shïtty from start to finish. Difficult to look at and even harder to swallow. I had to watch V For Vendetta later in the evening just to allay the lingering fecal stench from my memory banks.


But a great game nonetheless. Tom Petty at half-time wasn't half bad either. Someone with a brain figured out that people who enjoy football don't generally enjoy music from the likes of Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, Janet Jackson, et al.

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But a great game nonetheless. Tom Petty at half-time wasn't half bad either. Someone with a brain figured out that people who enjoy football don't generally enjoy music from the likes of Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, Janet Jackson, et al.


Perhaps the most incredible thing is that Fox was able to figure that out.

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What I don't get about Fox Sports and football is that freaky animated robot dude.


Cool, huh?


I wish they'd figure out that all of their stupid animations and sound effect detract from the game. All the little things popping up and in and out on the screen during the game gets really... irritating. Not Bryant Gumbel doing play-by-play irritating, but irritating nonetheless.

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What I don't get about Fox Sports and football is that freaky animated robot dude.


Cool, huh?


I wish they'd figure out that all of their stupid animations and sound effect detract from the game. All the little things popping up and in and out on the screen during the game gets really... irritating. Not Bryant Gumbel doing play-by-play irritating, but irritating nonetheless.


Someone needs to grab that thing by the scruff of the neck, push it to the ground, and make it eat dirt.

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Someone needs to grab that thing by the scruff of the neck, push it to the ground, and make it eat dirt.


Or give it a swift kick to the groin.


During the 'Bowl, we had to put up with the battles with the Terminator, as well.

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During the 'Bowl, we had to put up with the battles with the Terminator, as well.
Yeah, but at least the Terminator kicked its ass.


....I was soooo happy about that. I HATE that thing. What are we a bunch of grade school boys watching sports? (o.k. don't answer that) I hate the grade school mentality they market to.

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Joe Frickin' Friday
Someone needs to grab that thing by the scruff of the neck, push it to the ground, and make it eat dirt.


Or give it a swift kick to the groin.


Or take it out and shoot it.

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Someone needs to grab that thing by the scruff of the neck, push it to the ground, and make it eat dirt.


Or give it a swift kick to the groin.


Or take it out and shoot it.



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Or take it out and shoot it.


Now, what would be the best weapon to take it out and shoot it with? lurker.gif


Preferably something that has to be carried on a large tracked vehicle.

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Joe Frickin' Friday
Or take it out and shoot it.


Now, what would be the best weapon to take it out and shoot it with? lurker.gif


Preferably something that has to be carried on a large tracked vehicle.


I am reminded of Hannabone's bumper sticker on his Sprint:



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Or take it out and shoot it.


Now, what would be the best weapon to take it out and shoot it with? lurker.gif


Well, you can't beat the knock-down power of a .45. grin.gif

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I didn't even watch it, i think that its hyped so bad only some of the commercials even rate watching...



a sign of our times, during Rome's heyday, they had gladiators , lions and christians... lurker.gif

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a sign of our times, during Rome's heyday, they had gladiators , lions and christians... lurker.gif


AHHHH. The good ole days


One of my favorite movie quotes....


Statement: "It's the christian thing to do!"

Reply: "So were the crusades"

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