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What race series do you watch the most?


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Hey Guys,


Just wondering what kind of racing you watch on TV, or live, the most? Do you prefer Moto GP, AMA, Supercross??? Do you follow the entire race season? Do you go to certain races every year?


I prefer to be IN the race as opposed to watching it.....


What is your favorite?



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the WRC



WRC FTW! I used to watch that back when I used to have a night shift job on the Speed Channel. Anyone can race about in circles, Rally racing takes true skill thumbsup.gif


Disclaimer: I know all forms of racing takes skill. Please, none of you Nascar fans need to put a hit out on me grin.gif

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All on TV.


I love all the AMA road racin stuff, but we don't get to see much of it.


I plan around MotoGP, tapin when I have too.


WSB is great!!!!


I would love to see the "Box Stock" AMA more.


For some reason I can't get into 250/125 GPs.

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I watch the entire season of WSB, AMA Superbike, AMA Supersport, and AMA FX, and MotoGP.


I occasionally watch the 250GP races, and I watch Supermoto and Enduro racing whenever Tivo finds it (which isn't very often).


I haven't really been able to get into Supercross. It's too sensationalized for my tastes...like watching some cheesy show on MTV rather than actual racing. When the actual racing happens, it's exciting, but there's too much BS in between.


In the 4-wheeled world, I'll watch WRC, F1, and the Touring Cars every now and then, semi-spontaneously with irregularity.

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I would watch Moto ST, if it were available. After all, "Twins Rule". :-)


I wish Speed TV would dump the Chopper this, Chopper that and televise a greater variety of motorcycle racing. Hope we can see some of the MonoGP racing someday too....450cc singles race bike.....I'd go for one of those myself!


Gary Benson

Eagle River, AK

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I would watch Moto ST, if it were available. After all, "Twins Rule". :-)


I wish Speed TV would dump the Chopper this, Chopper that and televise a greater variety of motorcycle racing. Hope we can see some of the MonoGP racing someday too....450cc singles race bike.....I'd go for one of those myself!


Gary Benson

Eagle River, AK


I wish SPEED would drop the Chopper this and that as well....the shows on TV these days just suck! I watch Moto GP if I'm going to watch something.....



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In order of priority; Moto GP, World Superbike, US superbike & US 600 class. I love seeing the talent of the Moto GP riders and the sounds of their exotic machines. I also agree that WSB has stepped up the series into a very good series to watch as well.


I too would not mourn the loss of a chopper show or two for a bit more 2 wheeled pavement racing. I actually like the American Chopper series even though I wouldn't have one of those bikes to actually ride . It's like 'the Osbourns' TV show that I found amusing. Wouldn't be the least bit funny if my son had turned out like their kids.


BTW Misti I don't know what you are doing on a BMW forum, but welcome aboard. I had been riding for 38 years before coming over to the BMW brand. Maybe you won't take as long as I. wave.gif

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I would watch Moto ST, if it were available. After all, "Twins Rule". :-)


I wish Speed TV would dump the Chopper this, Chopper that and televise a greater variety of motorcycle racing.


I would LOVE to see chopper racing- Let me explain that.


Beanie helmets, sleeveless t-shirts. At least 45 deg rake. 120 cubic inch engines, no front brakes and on road courses, like Laguna Seca. Survival of the fastest idiot.


Actually, I watch MotoGP- Pretty boring this year.

World Superbike- The best this year.

Formula One- Not always the best competition, but I love the engine sounds.

AMA- needs to do something about the Suzuki parade. I have seen enough Mladin.

NASCAR- I've watched it in the past, haven't recently.

125/250 GP- When I remember to program it. Good competition.



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WSBK is the best to watch for racing. Best announcers too. Jonathan Green really gets into it. lmao.gif


If it wasn't for Rossi, I wouldn't bother with MotoGP. As if they couldn't make it worse, the few races CBS broadcast this year was like watching golf.


AMA Superbike is like watching NASCAR, and the announcers are idiots. dopeslap.gif

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I love to watch NASCAR


I personally find it boring to watch someone go in circles for hour after hour.If they at least turned both directions it wouldn't be so boring.

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1. DTM (When I can find it on cable)


2. NASCAR (I try to watch nut usually get bored half way through the race).


3. Most fun I've had at a race though was watching the Vacouver Grand Prix with a couple friends I met at a BMW Rally in Lilloett. I won the 50/50 prize and it paid for most of it, but mostly the Molson XXX.



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I would watch Moto ST, if it were available. After all, "Twins Rule". :-)


I wish Speed TV would dump the Chopper this, Chopper that and televise a greater variety of motorcycle racing. Hope we can see some of the MonoGP racing someday too....450cc singles race bike.....I'd go for one of those myself!


Gary Benson

Eagle River, AK


SpeedTV has been going down ever since Fox bought them and they stopped being Speedvision and started being SpeedTV.


As for MotoST, SpeedTV does occasionally run those races. IMO, they're not very interesting. I'm just not a big fan of endurance racing as a spectator sport. IMO, that's the biggest problem with NASCAR (not the left-turn-only thing)...the races are too damn long. There's no urgency like you see in a shorter race. I watched Talladega this year, and I did enjoy the interesting bits of the race...but those were basically the first few laps, the "big crash", and the last few laps. So...do away with all those boring laps in the middle and just have the first few and the last few.


I agree about the chopper shows. I don't have any issue with those bikes (they're not my thing, but whatever), but I don't see how that sort of thing belongs on Speed.


I could also do with "Pinks" and "Superbikes".

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I wish that our coverage of the motorcycle racing was more like that in Europe where they show EVERYTHING and not just cover the first three riders....it becomes so boring. I agree about SPEED too, seems to be going downhill a bit.....



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