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Un VII Website?


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Vita Rara started this for us: http://www.unrally.com/


Anybody here have the technical know-how to work with it and maintain it?


According to a PM from Mark:


I just wanted to let you know that I've started getting the UnRally website ready for you.


I've installed a website content management system called Drupal to run the UnRally site. This way every UnRally team doesn't need to start over from scratch.


It doesn't need to be complex...anybody willing?


Bueller? Buuuueller??? grin.gif


I had a great conversation tonight with Mark and Sylva. Got the administrators permissions for the website. The Drupal site has good info too, so I'll give it a go!


I'll help where needed. Mark lives 5 miles from where I work.


Good news. I spoke with Pilgrim yesterday and he agreed to give it a go too. He has some other website knowledge from maintaining his own. I have administrator access at http://www.unrally.com so if you go and log-in there tell me what your screen name is and I'll turn on the admin access for you.


My username is Fasterpill and I have been a member of that site for 9 weeks and 8 hours. We nerds need to know these things...

and I'll turn on the admin access for you.
See, if I can figure out how to turn on admin accesses, then it can't be that tough! thumbsup.gif


Admin access is on for Whip, Fasterpill and 1bmwfan. Have fun guys. Pilgrim, let us know when you have logged on...


By the way, Leslie gave us permission to use the DB logo/header should we choose to do so for the drupal website.

By the way, Leslie gave us permission to use the DB logo/header should we choose to do so for the drupal website.


That Hotlips is such a giver!! grin.gif

and I'll turn on the admin access for you.
See, if I can figure out how to turn on admin accesses, then it can't be that tough! thumbsup.gif


Admin access is on for Whip, Fasterpill and 1bmwfan. Have fun guys. Pilgrim, let us know when you have logged on...


Okay, I'm logged on. Sorry to have been so absent, but with my other hand I'm (turn that dirty mind off!!!) wrapped up in a bunch of NAFBPO stuff. It's going to be a long year until the election trying to educate the public and politicians about immigration matters.



Okay, I'm logged on.
Kent, I can't find you by "Kent" or "Pilgrim". Did you receive any sort of an email from the site? Something to authenticate your log-in? I'll keep checking. Hmmm....
Okay, I'm logged on.
Kent, I can't find you by "Kent" or "Pilgrim". Did you receive any sort of an email from the site? Something to authenticate your log-in? I'll keep checking. Hmmm....


Still nothing on the site. Just want to double check that you went here: http://unrally.com/user/register




Found you...now you have admin access there. thumbsup.gif

  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry I haven't had a chance to tinker with the site. LOTS on my plate right now, including a 14 year old who has been acting out (drank 10 oz of rum at school, passed out in her vomit, unresponsive, recovered in the hospital, suspended, and slowly settling down now after a few weeks.) So, that and two biz trips to Atlanta tied me up. Might get a chance this week thanks to turkey day.

Sorry I haven't had a chance to tinker with the site. LOTS on my plate right now...Might get a chance this week thanks to turkey day.


No hurry Phil. Spend your days off being a Dad/Husband. We need to have the website up to date and functional by the spring when we open registration. The actual registration/payment will not happen on the UnRally site, but on a site called Event Brite which will also collect funds for us. Mark and Sylva used them last year and were quite pleased.


The Un site will reflect those that have paid as well as all of the other data that is chosen by our motley band as pertinent. smile.gif

  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not referring to hiring anybody, but asking a DB member if he wants to help in this specific area. 3Putt is a web designer and may be able to quickly do what we need to our Unrally.com web page. He is offering to host a stop on the Pied Piper North run so he's sympathetic to our plight! grin.gif


I haven't asked him yet and am not trying to replace anything that you guys do...just wanted to ask if you/we wanted the web help...


I have no spidey sense (read: web) in this arena so any help would be great, IMO.

  • 4 weeks later...

Okay, so hopefully Stubble will chime in and say hello. By the end of January, I'd like to see the home page of Unrally.com reflect the real location and a link to the public forum here (at the very least).


By the end of April we should have the registration pages up, where we reflect who has signed up. The actual money collection aspects will not be done on that site, but will be done by Event Brite or other such site. Event Brite is what was used last year and I'm happy to use them too.


Sebastian, if you can get us started and train us at the same time, then all the better.


Sure. First I should lay some groundwork: At it's core, Drupal is essentially an aggregation engine. All content is classified in different ways, and Drupal then allows content to be listed/grouped by those various classifications. Article types (news/blog/etc), tags/categories (aka Taxonomy), authors, etc are examples of aggregation opportunities. The actual tagging of content is done with categories in a taxonomy. There are a few basic content types, such as blogs, news, static pages, and forum posts.


Having said all that, you CAN create a "mostly static" site with Drupal, as it sounds like you wish to. Drupal will let you do that, but will also let you easily update the site with event news or other "article"-like content.


My impression from reading this thread is that to get started you'd want a static home page giving an UnRally overview, perhaps a couple more pages for directions or other details, and then maybe a way to announce news or updates along the way.


Does that sound about right?


One more question: Are backups being made of the database? You'd want to ensure that if the host goes down you can get at the data.


What he actually said was......Sure. First I should lay some groundwork: At it's core, Drupal is essentially an aggregation engine. All content is classified in different ways, and Drupal then allows content to be listed/grouped by those various classifications......


What I heard was......Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, in, proprius tation ibidem aliquip tation. Meus, quis ibidem, consequat molior fatua et incassum. Iriure, validus ulciscor, inhibeo opes ullamcorper caecus, luptatum mauris esse, iriure pertineo vel, nulla. Nulla ex regula dolore, vero facilisis et decet vel, odio immitto, brevitas refero consequat blandit. Imputo quidem plaga roto ex incassum virtus. Saluto humo capto delenit huic, nostrud ut.




Having said all that, you CAN create a "mostly static" site with Drupal, as it sounds like you wish to. Drupal will let you do that, but will also let you easily update the site with event news or other "article"-like content.



My impression from reading this thread is that to get started you'd want a static home page giving an UnRally overview, perhaps a couple more pages for directions or other details, and then maybe a way to announce news or updates along the way.

Right, and we don't want to delete any of the other info posted last year. Reviewing last year's info, there was a small discussion board though the intent is not to compete with this site. It will probably be easier to attach route maps and GPS coordinates to the Unrally site rather than have to email them to all participants. It would also be helpful if there could be an administrator's comments page where we could post updates or whatever to the Un site, since there are too many cooks with their fingers in the pie. (Side bar: go see Sweeny Todd, the movie. Fantastic!)


Does that sound about right?



One more question: Are backups being made of the database? You'd want to ensure that if the host goes down you can get at the data. Unknown. Last year's UnChief, VitaRara got the Drupal site started. I don't know where the server is (probably with him) and so I don't know how of where backups occur. Can I back it up to my laptop?


Thanks Sebastian! smile.gif


'Stubble' shall now be forever known as 'The Twilight Zone' and Sebastian hall be renamed as Rod Serling. Now, what the hell did he just say? confused.gifeek.giflmao.gif


Haha... sorry about my ramblings.


Ok, I think I have a good idea about how to get started. Roger on preserving the old content, not a problem.


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