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Hi I'm a college student at North Carolina State University. For my class I have to create a business plan and chose to create a motorcycle touring company in the Blue Ridge Mountains. To complete the plan I needed help with a couple of questions, so my dad allowed me to use his login to this site.

If you have time I'd appreciate you answering the following survey:




3.Would you be interested a tour that provided a tour guide, hotels, and motorcycle in the Blue Ridge Mountains?

4. If not would another location appeal to you?

5. Would you enjoy a themed tour such as hiking, fishing, or kayaking to accompany the motorcycle riding? Or would you prefer to just ride?

6.(If applicable) Would you bring your family if activities were planned for them? Such as touring the Biltmore Estate or participating in the hiking, kayaking, or fishing?

7. How many miles would you like to ride?

8. How many riders would you ideally like in your group?


Thank you so much for your help! Any feedback you give will be very helpful and greatly appreciated!

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1. 47.

2. Nashville, TN.

3. No.

4. No.

5. Just ride, but not not interested in organized tour.

6. 250-350.

7. 4-6.

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1. 51

2. Seattle, WA

3. No, been there done that, much more interesting locales elsewhere

4. Yes, Pacific Northwest, British Columbia, elsewhere in Canada, Rocky Mountains, upper upper NE US

5. Yes, we like a day or three of riding with a day off for some other activity (rafting, hiking, kayaking, etc.) then back for more riding

6. Because this is motorcycyle based - just two of us. Biltmore Estate would be great for bus people - bike people? I don't think so - what a yawn.

7. Some like to do 500 a day, we try to stick with 200 to 300 a day - it's supposed to be a vacation, not just another "got to get it done" substitute for work. We do not have "9 to 5 jobs" - we think the 500 a day crowd is trying to jam everything into their two weeks of vacation. Understandable, just not what we do.

8. 3 to 7 bikes.

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1. 40.

2. Diamond Springs, CA

3. Yes.

4. NA

5. No. Ride!! Although adding dual sport would be of appeal.

6. Yes.

7. 300 - 400 a day.

8. 4 - 6.

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Hi I'm a college student at North Carolina State University. For my class I have to create a business plan and chose to create a motorcycle touring company in the Blue Ridge Mountains. To complete the plan I needed help with a couple of questions, so my dad allowed me to use his login to this site.

If you have time I'd appreciate you answering the following survey:




3.Would you be interested a tour that provided a tour guide, hotels, and motorcycle in the Blue Ridge Mountains?

4. If not would another location appeal to you?

5. Would you enjoy a themed tour such as hiking, fishing, or kayaking to accompany the motorcycle riding? Or would you prefer to just ride?

6.(If applicable) Would you bring your family if activities were planned for them? Such as touring the Biltmore Estate or participating in the hiking, kayaking, or fishing?

7. How many miles would you like to ride?

8. How many riders would you ideally like in your group?


Thank you so much for your help! Any feedback you give will be very helpful and greatly appreciated!


1. 48

2. SE Kansas

3. no

4. Yes

5. no

6. no, spouse likes to ride

7. a day? 400/500

8. 3/4


Good Luck.

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I don't know if my responses will be useful for your project, but I'll let you decide. I am one of those that just doesn't like guided/programmed tours which explains all the NAs.


1. 57

2. South Texas

3. No, I’m not a tour-type of guy

4. NA

5. NA

6. NA

7. NA

8. NA

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1. 65




5.Yes (add Rafting)


7.On the BRP, 75 to 100/day

8.no more then 10


good luck and success with your project



p.s. I just did the BRP and it was great, met a lot of other riders alone and in groups

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1.Age? 49

2.Location? Seattle Wa

3.Would you be interested a tour that provided a tour guide, hotels, and motorcycle in the Blue Ridge Mountains? Not to much into tours with guides

4. If not would another location appeal to you? not really

5. Would you enjoy a themed tour such as hiking, fishing, or kayaking to accompany the motorcycle riding? Or would you prefer to just ride? humm maybe..

6.(If applicable) Would you bring your family if activities were planned for them? Such as touring the Biltmore Estate or participating in the hiking, kayaking, or fishing? yes, but not riding

7. How many miles would you like to ride? 350-500

8. How many riders would you ideally like in your group? 3

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1) 38

2) Westminster, CO

3) No

4) No

5) Ride

6) No. We both ride, so planning separate activities isn't an issue for us.

7) 200-600. A wide range, I know. It depends on the riding, where we want to start out our next day, and what it is we are stopping to see (if anything). We have done both longer and shorter rides depending on where we are-or of there is something that we want to stop and see. However, generally we do about 300 miles a day.

8) 2-Mark and I. For this sort of thing, we prefer it to be about us and what we want to do.


Good luck!

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1. 29

2. Keokuk, Iowa

3. No - but if I did, 3 days with hotels, no rental

4. Colorado would be a good alternative.

5. Just ride

6. N/A

7. 200 - 250/day with lots of sight seeing stops.

8. Max of about 10-12


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1. 65

2. Palm Beach County, FL

3. No

4. No

5. Just ride.

6. No family, g.f. would ride.

7. 300+

8. Max in group is unimportant after the riding, 2-3 during.

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1. 60

2. So CA

3. Possibly.

4. New Zealand.

5. Riding and some "photo op stops."

6. NO

7. 300 +/- per day of "sight seeing country"

8. Absolute max of 6, plus the guide bike.

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1. 37

2. Raleigh, NC

3. Maybe

4. Ozarks or anything in VT or NH

5. Yes

6. Maybe (Wife only)

7. Varies on road quality. 300 to 500 per day

8. Depends on the pace of the ride and skill level of the other riders. Generally 5 or less in a group

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1. 36

2. Provo, UT

3. Not my thing

4. No

5. Maybe

6. Maybe

7. 300-400

8. 10


Sometimes motorcycling vacations and families don't exactly go hand in hand. So, if we could "dump" the kid(s) and let them do something they'd enjoy while the adults are motorcycling and/or if there were activities for a spouse that didn't want to spend one of the days motorcycling, that would add to the appeal for me.

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1. 32

2. Southern California

3. No. (Nice area...great riding, but I don't need a guided tour)

4. Nothing in the US. Mexico or Europe, perhaps.

5. Just ride.

6. Any family members who want to ride are welcome. Otherwise, no.

7. Dirt: 80-150. Street: 200-300. I can do more, but not if it is the type of riding I like to do (fun twisties)

8. 3-6

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1. 60

2. NC

3. Could I just bring my own bike?

4. Sure: Europe, California, Alaska,

5. A day off for other activities would be great. A themed tour (ride well techniques) even better.

6. Probably not; wife not a rider.

7. 200-300 miles with plenty of stops for the guide to perform guidence.

8. 5 to 8 seems about right.


The tour guide would be expected to add to the experience. He'd have to know the area, history, ecology, first aid, and lots of other things for me to feel I was getting my money's worth. On road, off-road adventure would also be a plus.

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Hi I'm a college student at North Carolina State University. For my class I have to create a business plan and chose to create a motorcycle touring company in the Blue Ridge Mountains. To complete the plan I needed help with a couple of questions, so my dad allowed me to use his login to this site.

If you have time I'd appreciate you answering the following survey:



385 in dog years



3.Would you be interested a tour that provided a tour guide, hotels, and motorcycle in the Blue Ridge Mountains?

tour/guide yes

bike/no BYOBike

4. If not would another location appeal to you?

Mountains in the Norhteast, such as the Adirondacks

5. Would you enjoy a themed tour such as hiking, fishing, or kayaking to accompany the motorcycle riding?

Or would you prefer to just ride?

No thanks, ride only.

6.(If applicable) Would you bring your family if activities were planned for them?

Yes, wife rides w/me.

Such as touring the Biltmore Estate or participating in the hiking, kayaking, or fishing?


7. How many miles would you like to ride?


8. How many riders would you ideally like in your group?



Thank you so much for your help! Any feedback you give will be very helpful and greatly appreciated!

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