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I just rode thru Torrey for the first time


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Me and a buddy, on a road trip from Houston, have never been to Utah before. My on my 07GT, him on a Yamaha FZ1, we trailered the bikes to Albuquerque, then rode up to Durango, over the Million $$ Highway to Ouray, West to Moab. Then we decided to head to the Bryce Canyon area. As I'm plotting it all into my Zumo I notice, "hey, that must be the Torrey I keep hearing about on bmwsporttouring.com". Yesterday we rode from Green River, down thru Capital Reef, then south on 12 to Escalante where I'm currently staying. Next we head to Bryce and Zion.


Holy Cow!! Was yesterday an amazing ride or what?!?! Oh man I see now what the whole Torrey thing is all about. This area is just incredible, the roads the most enjoyable to ride so far on this trip. It threatened to rain and freeze but we ended up with near perfect weather, tho it was 30 degrees at the top of 12. Got to see my GT's "Ice" warning light for the first time. Stopped and took lots of pics, sorry haven't unloaded them yet, will do it soon.


After a few days at Bryce & Zion, my buddy and I are gona head to Vegas next week Tue & Wed. After that he has to head back home to Houston. Lucky me I get to head West to California for a week. That'll be an adventure for another thread.


Take care.. Allen

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The place IS special. But even more so are the people who gather there. The entirety of the experience, i.e. scenery, roads, camraderie, is almost overwhelming.


Join us next Spring.

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Glad you had a good ride, did you turn on 12 straight from the Chevron/Texaco corner? Torrey itself is actually a mile further along 24. You got really lucky with the weather, it was supposed to snow all day but didn't start until about 3pm





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