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R1200RT - how often should fuel filter be changed


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I'm finding it hard to see in Service Schedules much reference to how often the fuel filter should be inspected/changed - hope it's never! but does anyone know?


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From the Service Manual: "Cleaniung the fuel filter is not a service item. However, if fuel delivery problems are suspected, the filter should be inspected" I think with the filters that are in most Service station hoses--the liklihood of the bike's fuel filter needing to be changed is really minimal.

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From the Service Manual: "Cleaniung the fuel filter is not a service item. However, if fuel delivery problems are suspected, the filter should be inspected" I think with the filters that are in most Service station hoses--the liklihood of the bike's fuel filter needing to be changed is really minimal.


That's good to hear - I was let down once by a split fuel filter in deepest Europe 1150Rt - so I don't want that to recur, but I hear what you say so I'll forget about it with 11K on the bike!

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