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More Torrey XIV Pictures


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The gang at Cedar Breaks, Cornelus, Jeff, Dave, Rob & Clint


Checking out the petroglyphs


Rob at Capitol Reef view point


Clint & Cornelus looking through peep holes




Clint & Cornelus


Dave, Jeff & Rob at Arches


The gathering before the wedding


Passing the hat for the miner's familys


The kiss


So nice of Dave to dress up for the wedding


The reception


I could have used these lights on our ride home!


Tribute to Gleno on Tank's bike


The bride's ride (I think)


Rob on Twister Madness


Flat on the ST


Plugging the tire


After plugging didn't work


Dave looking for a tire. We actually found one, but the pass was snowed in and we couldn't get there. Thanks to Killer and Tony for helping us install a used tire for the ride home.

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Nice pics!

Wanted to be there,but a bad cold kept me down last week.


Recommend the gooey rope type plugs(Monkey Grip,etc) for tire repair,they work much better in the steel belted tires.The Stop n Go plugs seem to get cut up after a short time!



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Who rides the '05 ST? I used to have one and recently picked up a new '06 ST


By buddy Rob Gonsalves rides the ST. He's not a member of the board yet. That thing gets up and goes! I like the low center of gravity.

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Who rides the '05 ST? I used to have one and recently picked up a new '06 ST


By buddy Rob Gonsalves rides the ST. He's not a member of the board yet. That thing gets up and goes! I like the low center of gravity.


Shhh.... dont tell anyone. The ST is a very well kept secret.

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Jeff, that must have been you and your group that pulled into Cedar city with us. I recognized the ST as the last bike in your group.

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Clint & Cornelus looking through peep holes




"Dude, do ya see that Highway Patrol car anywhere?


"Naw, we smoked 'em way back there!"




So how did ya survive the ride with these two hoons? I'm sure there was no excessive speeding involved! Sure wished I could'a made this one-sounds like a good time was had by all!


See ya in DV!

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Silver Surfer/AKAButters

Get shots! Thanks for putting some more names to faces. I have to get better at meeting folks and remembering names, yet I only keep getting worse. It must be the altitude.

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Jeff, that must have been you and your group that pulled into Cedar city with us. I recognized the ST as the last bike in your group.


Yeah, that was us. I saw the BMWST on one of your bags and knew you were coming from Torrey. We headed towards Caliente then the Extraterrestrial Highway. I thought you guys were going the same way, but we lost you after the turnoff at Cedar City.

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So how did ya survive the ride with these two hoons? I'm sure there was no excessive speeding involved! Sure wished I could'a made this one-sounds like a good time was had by all!


See ya in DV!


Mr Duck! We missed you at Torrey this year. Hope you are healing up from your recent get off. Yeah, Death Valley for sure. I can ride with Cornelus and Clint for a while, but then I get exhausted and have to fall back. Only one speed for those guys, fast forward.

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