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Global Warming & BMW final drives


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Industrial planetary warming will soon cause the release of so much fresh water from melting glaciers that critical ocean currents will destabilize and cause devastating weather changes, economic collapse, and most likely global warfare.


That being so, quit worrying about the stinking final drive and just ride the bike. Ride it!


Eat red meat, drink good wine, and smoke a cigar. Tomorrow is a crap-shoot. Ride today.


Final drive? Buy another.

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Eat red meat, drink good wine, and smoke a cigar. Tomorrow is a crap-shoot. Ride today.


Final drive? Buy another.


I've done every one of those things in the last 45 days.....including the rebuilding of a final drive lmao.gif


preach on! thumbsup.gif

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skinny_tom (aka boney)

Today my final drive blew a seal!





































The final drive on my 1974 Vespa. The world is now safe from the two-stroke smoke global warming machine. At least for a week or two.


And just in case you were wondering, the one on my BMW is fine. wave.gif

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skinny_tom (aka boney)
What he said!


I have no final drive so I drank wine and beer tonight! thumbsup.gif


Wine and beer? Man do you live dangerously. eek.gif

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Actually the glaciers ARE in our backyard... or rather, what's left of them. We'll be okay on higher ground smirk.gif


Seriously? Okay: this is the major human deficit IMHO. 99.99999-etc. % of humans cannot make decisions for the future. So no matter of how well we know that we will die, should cater for the environment of our children, should NOT try and get rich, should plan for a small room in an elders home to die in, or should not get old at all so as to not be a burden on our kids, should not burn fossil fuel to help future generations, should not eat fat because it will hurt us in 40 years.... and you fill in all the other 'wise' things to do and not to do....


we STILL do all the wrong things because we live today, want OUR part of it (someone else will take it otherwise anyway) and we continue to 'assume' that all will be solved by the time we reach the 'problem'.


THAT's serious....... but who wants to hear? Let alone act accordingly ??


Hmmmmfff...... lurker.gif

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George Brown
You guys aren't taking it seriously. Just wait till the glaciers are in your backyard! No Riding!
You're right, I'm not! Would one of you serious folks please explain to me exactly how one goes about measuring the earth's temperture. Then after you do that, tell me how long we have been using that method.
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You guys aren't taking it seriously. Just wait till the glaciers are in your backyard! No Riding!
You're right, I'm not! Would one of you serious folks please explain to me exactly how one goes about measuring the earth's temperture. Then after you do that, tell me how long we have been using that method.

Then after that, tell me the accuracy of the measuring equipment and reliability of the recording method, Then after that tell me about the infallability of man made computer models....

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You guys aren't taking it seriously. Just wait till the glaciers are in your backyard! No Riding!
I'll have lots of friends in Torrey - elevation 6,830 feet. In fact the lowest place in the whole state is 2100 feet and that's down on the Nevada border, most of the state is significantly higher than that.


Utah - Life Less Sloshy

Utah - You Won't Need Yer Wellies

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skinny_tom (aka boney)
You guys aren't taking it seriously. Just wait till the glaciers are in your backyard! No Riding!


It's all a matter of perspective...



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Thankfully R1100's don't have too many FD issues (KNOCK ON WOOD)... blush.gif For all you hippie freaks out there...would you not agree that NUCLEAR POWER would be the BEST solution for electricity for the home? (this includes heat and hot water, of course). Save FOSSIL FUEL for transportaion...That would GREATLY help the environment...Remember NOBODY got hurt on 3 mile Island's incident years ago, and as for Chernobyl, what else would you expect from people that make the Ural, quality? blush.gif (I know I'm gonna get burned for that one!). NUCLEAR POWER IS SAFE AND GOOD STUFF PEOPLE!!! I want a Nuclear Power Plant in my backyard so my utilites at home can drop in price, I can run the AC all summer long, and crank the heat in the winter...CHEAPLY! SAVE THE OIL FOR OUR TRANSPORTATION NEEDS!....and maybe those 'big bad glaciers' will spare us another 100k years! thumbsup.gif


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George Brown
So, just out of curiosity, does anyone have any opinions on these subjects. eek.gif
I think FD failures are real and bad. frown.gif Regarding man being able to do anything to slow down or prevent global warming,lmao.giflmao.giflmao.giflmao.giflmao.giflmao.giflmao.gif
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Today my final drive blew a seal!


Same here. I lectured mine about morality and have my fingers crossed that it got the message. wink.gif

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I want a nuclear power station in my back yard too, but I want to put all the waste in your back yard...


'The most important waste stream from nuclear power plants is spent fuel. A large nuclear reactor produces 3 cubic metres (25-30 tonnes) of spent fuel each year. Spent fuel is highly radioactive and needs to be handled with great care and forethought. However, spent nuclear fuel becomes less radioactive over time. After 40 years, the radiation flux is 99.9% lower than it was the moment the spent fuel was removed...'


Thats cleaner than any oil or coal system, agreed? We can easily find a place to store that small amount of spent fuel... wink.gif

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After 40 years, the radiation flux is 99.9% lower than it was the moment the spent fuel was removed...'
You will have to quote your sources for that information. According to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission


"At this time there are no facilities for permanent disposal of high-level radioactive waste. Since the only way radioactive wastes finally become harmless is through decay, which for some isotopes contained in high-level wastes can take hundreds of thousands of years, the wastes must be stored in a way that provides adequate protection for very long times."


This is the kind of waste generated by nuclear power stations.

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We can easily find a place to store that small amount of spent fuel... wink.gif


well, lets put the waste in a rocket and shoot the rocket into the sun. ha ha ha when people talk of storing that waste, they always point out west. don't send the stuff to us in Utah anymore, we don't want it.

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We can easily find a place to store that small amount of spent fuel... wink.gif


well, lets put the waste in a rocket and shoot the rocket into the sun. ha ha ha when people talk of storing that waste, they always point out west. don't send the stuff to us in Utah anymore, we don't want it.


This is often true, it's what they often do..back to coal and oil and ....

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