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The 2008 R 1200 RT


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Some dealers have 2008 RTs in all three colors in stock. Everything same-same except the price is higher. Later production will have a new final drive case with a drain plug.

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Some dealers have 2008 RTs in all three colors in stock. Everything same-same except the price is higher. Later production will have a new final drive case with a drain plug.
And probably an extra indicator light to tell you when you need your 6k and 12k service like your car idiot light that can only be reset by the dealer. I know it's coming on the 08 K-bikes so I would assume it would be on the RT as well. One more way to try to make you take the bike to the dealer for service.
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Yeah, word is, everything's the same except, some option's bundled slightly different, and, you're right, a message will now come across the info display saying "you need service".

I hope that's user resettable!! eek.gif

All this for only $150.00 more! grin.gif

BMW website to have the new info towards the end of October.



I asked the salesman, I've been talking to, about the FD controversy. I guess I was hoping he'd tell me that BMW had a fix for '08, but he just echoed what we've heard before about changing the lube at 600 miles & thereafter every 12k(?).

He thought that had solved the problem.

So I guess that's the fix.

Are there ANY '07s that have lost their FD? (I can't remember if only '05 & '06 were involved).

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I asked the salesman, I've been talking to, about the FD controversy. I guess I was hoping he'd tell me that BMW had a fix for '08, but he just echoed what we've heard before about changing the lube at 600 miles & thereafter every 12k(?).

He thought that had solved the problem.


Two comments:

1) the service bulletin called for a FD fluid change at 600 miles, but was silent on any further changes. That said, a wise person would do it on a routine basis.


2) changing FD fluid would have no affect whatsoever on those FD failures (like mine) caused by wear on the splines on the axle tube, and splines on the flange that holds the wheel on. The wear causes excessive play in the rear wheel. Those parts are not lubricated, nor should they be. It's a compression fit, along with a snap ring.

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Later production will have a new final drive case with a drain plug.


I'll believe it when I see it. This change to the FD has been promised for almost a year and was supposed to already be incorporated on bikes produced after Jan. '07. In fact, I still have the email from BMWNA reassuring me that my ST (on order at the time) would have the drain. When I took delivery in April, no drain. No explanation.

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There was a report that BMW's auto groups' profit margin had decreased due to the weaker dollar vs the Euro. I would expect that the prices for the bikes will rise to ofset the difference.

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I hope you're kidding!

But just in case, maybe I'll have THAT written into my sales agreement.

"Purchaser gets FREE lifetime resets of useless messages cropping up on info display".


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Later production will have a new final drive case with a drain plug.


I'll believe it when I see it. This change to the FD has been promised for almost a year and was supposed to already be incorporated on bikes produced after Jan. '07. In fact, I still have the email from BMWNA reassuring me that my ST (on order at the time) would have the drain. When I took delivery in April, no drain. No explanation.


Here's photo evidence that new FDs with drain plugs do exist.



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Same colors. Higher price.


Nah, Different colors, higher price.


Then the dealers are lying. What colors are different?

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Here's photo evidence that new FDs with drain plugs do exist.

I've seen the photos and I don't doubt the new FDs themselves exist. I'm just waiting for assurance that if I were to order an '08 today, it would have this new drive. BMW does not have a track record of consistency.


You know what they say about "Fool me once..."

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Here's photo evidence that new FDs with drain plugs do exist.

I've seen the photos and I don't doubt the new FDs themselves exist. I'm just waiting for assurance that if I were to order an '08 today, it would have this new drive. BMW does not have a track record of consistency.


You know what they say about "Fool me once..."

Hmmm, sounds like it would be best to pick a bike off the showroom floor. Since the FD drain plug isn't a "feature", I don't know if one could order a bike from the BMW warehouse and specify the bike have the plug... tongue.gif
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Here's photo evidence that new FDs with drain plugs do exist.

I've seen the photos and I don't doubt the new FDs themselves exist. I'm just waiting for assurance that if I were to order an '08 today, it would have this new drive. BMW does not have a track record of consistency.


You know what they say about "Fool me once..."

Hmmm, sounds like it would be best to pick a bike off the showroom floor. Since the FD drain plug isn't a "feature", I don't know if one could order a bike from the BMW warehouse and specify the bike have the plug... tongue.gif


If BMW was smart, they'd make it an "option" so they could get an additional $80-100 out of you guys. lmao.gif

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Is the plug magnetic? If it was, it would sure help keep any particles contained.
if not, sierra bmw sells this, made by Hornig, which may fit. Hornig's catalogue shows that it makes a couple different sizes of the plug. maybe one of them will fit.
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