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Pilot Road 2 first impression


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I put 250 miles on my new PR2s today. The first 50 or so was a bit ginger, just getting them scrubbed. Afterwards I put them to work, and so far I'm impressed. Mostly with the overall traction. Turn-in feels great, but every new set of tires feels great to me, since they're not squared off smile.gif


Anyway, I don't have prior experience with anything in the realm of sportbike rubber, so I'm enjoying the traction. I've been running Z6s for some time, but they have a way of hardening up too soon toward the end of their life, and my last set were getting a bit squirrelly. The rear was toast anyway, the front still had a lot of tread, but both were slipping too much for comfort. (They did do one track day, I know that took its toll).


So the PR2s are noticeably stickier than the Z6s ever were. thumbsup.gif They just feel great. Stable, agile, planted. I got these because I'm hoping the dual-compound will wear a little more evenly for me over time. We'll see!

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Thanks for the tire review.

I'm presently experiencing the later days of my Z6s on my RS and I understand and agree with your evaluation thereof.

It will be the RP2's for me also.

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I got these because I'm hoping the dual-compound will wear a little more evenly for me over time. We'll see!


lets hope they dont have the same issues as the Avons did!

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My set of PR2's arrived a few days ago, hoping for good results like you and others have been posting.

Did a 1010 miles over the weekend to the Outer Banks (pic attached) on what's left of the Z6's. The long, flat, straight stretches of road out there just didn't finish them off like Western NC would have; so it'll be just a little while longer until I mount up the PR2's, ...looking forward riding them. I'll try to post how they do once they're in use. Looks like the Z6 rear is going to finish around 7500, which ain't too bad considering about 50% two-up time. Z6 front will still have about 40-50% left on it, but I guess I'll start the PR's off together and stick the Z6 front away for a bad day.


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