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odd starter problem


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Hello All,


this week I picked up my new (to me, that is) R1150RT-P.


the bike has a unusual starter problem:


when you try to start, the engine turns, then it appears that the starter slips..


I'm not familiar with the R-bike starters, having only ridden K-series before,

but does the R starter have a freewheel in there?

is number 3 on here also a freewheel?




or am I barking up the wrong tree?


thanks for any advice etc.etc...



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The R-bikes don't have the sprague clutch like the K-bikes. I believe they are more like a car starter. I've never had to work on an R-bike starter so you may want to get someone else to tell you how the R-bike starters are.

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Our bikes have what I refer to as p.o.s. Valeo starters. They have plastic throw out forks. Yours probably broke. Sometimes your bike will start and other times the drive will pop away from the ring gear and the starter just spins. On the positive side, parts are available. Contact John at www.euromotoelectrics.com. I guess I'm supposed to tell you I have no affilliation with them, and I don't, but the guy offers good prices and great service. thumbsup.gif

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Our bikes have what I refer to as p.o.s. Valeo starters. They have plastic throw out forks. Yours probably broke. Sometimes your bike will start and other times the drive will pop away from the ring gear and the starter just spins. On the positive side, parts are available. Contact John at www.euromotoelectrics.com. I guess I'm supposed to tell you I have no affilliation with them, and I don't, but the guy offers good prices and great service. thumbsup.gif


that may well be the problem, symptoms match.. Well, it's going to be a week before I can have a look at it, since i'll be on holiday in Greece :D


thanks, Daniel

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, got back from vacation and pulled the starter. It appeared normal, exept for lots and lots of dirt. Since it was so dirty I figured I could take an easy approach and just clean it. Cleaned the solenoid plunger (dirty) and the curved splines on the starter shaft (VERY dirty) minor bit of silicon grease on splines and put it back in. Hey presto, it works!


my first ever oilhead job :-)


thanks for the advice people..

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